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Skip the Sick This Cold and Flu Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Even though “cold season” isn’t for a few more weeks, it seems like there’s constantly some sort of sickness going around on a college campus.  We all could benefit from a few tips that’ll keep us healthy before we have a chance to catch anything. 


1. Wash Your Hands, and then moisturize: We all know that washing the germs of the day off our hands is one of the easier ways to avoid getting sick, but how often do we moisturize?  Keeping your hands moisturized is key to fending off dry skin and cracks.  Flaky skin can often let in germs and contribute to feeling under the weather.


2. Get Plenty of Sleep: This is often difficult to do in college but is very important.  Sleep helps your body recharge and a nightly 8 hours gives your immune system the time it needs to do its job.  Even just fitting in a power nap does wonders for the body.


3. Eat Nutritiously: College dining halls aren’t always known for their healthy meals, but it is possible to still be somewhat nutritious.  Vegetables and fruits are loaded with nutrients that can help keep your body functioning at its best. See our article on healthy options at Bryant here!


4.Stay Hydrated: Eight glasses of water a day is the ideal amount.  When feeling under the weather, drinks with electrolytes can help hydrate your body.  On a daily basis, however, sugary drinks should be avoided.


5. Exercise: Not only does exercise stimulate your body and mind, but also sweating releases toxins.  If exercising is a part of your routine, you are much less likely to get sick.


6. Drink Hot Tea: Not just any tea, but green tea and other teas with antioxidants are excellent for fighting any illnesses. Also, breathing in the hot steam from the tea can help move germs out of your system more effectively.


7. Vitamin C: While Vitamin C can be found in many different foods, a quick and easy way to get a dose is simply taking a Vitamin C tablet.  These are perfect for boosting your body as soon as you feel a cold coming on.


8. Disinfect: Disinfect EVERYTHING! This includes your room, your phone, the bottom of your purse, your pens, doorknobs and light switches in your suite, remote controls and anything else you or your roommate(s) may have spread germs to. 


9.  Remember to De-stress: Stress can run you down so easily, especially when midterms begin approaching.  Making time to let off some steam is so important to keep yourself ready to tackle your busy life.


10.   Know your body: Knowing when it is time to go see a doctor or a nurse at health services is important.  He/she could provide you with medicines to take to stop the contagiousness of an illness you may have, or prescribe something to get you feeling better sooner. 


Following even a few of these tips will hopefully keep you clear of illnesses any time of year!


Source: http://www.highlandhosp.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/drink-green-tea.png