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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.
Name: Michael Lanza
Graduation Year: 2016
Major/Minor: Financial Services/Sports Studies Concentration
Hometown: Elmsford, New York
On-Campus Activities: Baseball, Italian-American Club
The Details
Describe Yourself in 3 Words: Hot As Hell
Any Secret Talents?: I can speak 6 different languages
Dream Job: NASA Engineer 
Pet Peeves: Only One: Men without chest hair
Bucket List: Take my Mother on a vacation to Italy 
Favorite Place in the World: Elbow Beach Bermuda
Guilty pleasure: I may or may not be an avid nose picker
If you were a food, which would you be?: Eggplant Parm
If a bartender named a drink after you, what would it be called?: Big Apple Swizzle
If you could bring 3 things on a desert island, what would they be?: White Castle Crave Case, Bow and Arrow, Game of Thrones Series
#1 Most-Played Song on Your iPod: Never Grow Up- Taylor Swift 
Celebrity Crush: Taylor Swift
Best Pickup Line: Perdonami se mi sbaglio, ma vuoi venire a letto con me, no?