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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.


Name: Ivory Bailey

Graduation Year: 2018

Major/Minor: Psychology

Hometown: Wyomissing, PA

On-Campus Activities: Basketball

Describe yourself in 3 words: Athletic, Funny, laid back

Any secret talents? : I can juggle, and moonwalk

Dream job: an experimental psychologist

Pet peeves: burping

Bucket list: Travel the world, Ride all the greatest rollercoasters/ water rides,

Favorite show: Modern Family

Top played song on your ipod: ‘I’m Not the Only One’ by Sam Smith

Celebrity crushes: Beyoncé

If you could bring three things on a desert island, what would they be? : My cellphone, some company, and endless supply of tacos

Guilty pleasure: The Twilight series

If you were a food, which would you be? : A Taco

If you were an animal, what would you be? : A tiger

Fun fact: I love love love watching and going to the movies.