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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Everyone knows that the two best parts of Thanksgiving are eating a huge meal, and getting to see family and friends. While you’ve probably seen your parents throughout the semester, there might be some friends you haven’t seen since school started! One way to reunite is with a Friendsgiving (Friends-Thanksgiving). We have some ideas on how to throw your own!

1. Host Friendsgiving the Friday after Thanksgiving. That way you’ll have plenty of leftovers to share.

2. Ask every guest to bring some food. Make sure you have some people bringing dessert, others bringing side dishes, etc. You don’t want to get stuck with five bowls of mashed potatoes and no pie.

3. Speaking of pie, try to get a variety. Apple, pumpkin, pecan- they’re all delicious!

4. Make sure none of your friends have decided to go vegetarian or vegan since the school year started. If they have, coordinate an alternative meal for them.

5. We all have one friend who can’t cook, or went to a restaurant for Thanksgiving and has no leftovers. Have them prepare a Thanksgiving cocktail instead.

6. Make sure you use nice dinnerware.

7. Since Thanksgiving is over, that means it’s officially Christmas season! Have a couple of predetermined Christmas movies ready to roll after dinner.

8. The host should set a cute place setting, like this!

9. Assign one guest to come up with a cool playlist. No party is complete without good music.

10. Do your mom a favor and tell her you enjoyed her Thanksgiving dinner better. But we all know nothing compares to reuniting with your best friends!