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Confessions of a Transfer Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

1. The process takes a lot of work and is a big time commitment.


You’re basically applying to college all over again, which involves college visits, deciding where to apply, getting transcripts sent, writing essays, filling out applications, and then withdrawing from your current university. 

2. It’s pretty scary.

But it’s okay to be nervous. You’re in a totally new environment all over again and chances are you don’t know anyone there. The first day you get there will be scary because, yes, you’re the new kid but it gets better. We promise you that.

3. It takes getting used to.

You have to learn the customs of a new school. Even small things like knowing that the students call the student center “Fisher”, the Rotunda goes by “the roto”, that no one actually calls the dining hall Salmonson (it’s known as “salmo”), or that you can’t walk under the archway because it means you will never graduate. You’ll get there eventually.

4. You will get lost.

This one is pretty obvious – a new place means you know nothing about where anything is. Especially when you go to a school where classrooms in the 200’s are on the first floor and the 300’s are on the second floor. It may take some time to figure out that there is no third floor and that you shouldn’t be looking for your class in room 352 there. 

5. You get to start over.

So maybe your prior school wasn’t the best place for you and you didn’t reach your full potential there. Well now you have the chance to be yourself and start over at a totally new school. 

6. You need to put in the effort to make new friends.

When you come in as a transfer pretty much everyone in your grade is already going to have their friends. You need to put yourself out there by joining clubs and getting involved. Introduce yourself to the people around you in class and get to know your roommates. Once you find your group of people it will all be worth it.

7. ‘Make new friends but keep the old’ really comes into play.

Even though you will make great new friends at your new school you definitely shouldn’t forget about the friends you had at your old school. It’s best to try to talk to them regularly and keep up the connection with them even though you no longer attend the same school. 

Not everyone gets it right the first time. Maybe the school you went to was your dream school and you thought you were completely in love with it, but it didn’t turn out to be what you expected. Deciding to leave everything you have come to know and start completely fresh is not an easy choice. We fall into patterns of comfort but if you don’t feel like your school is right for you then don’t stay somewhere you aren’t happy. In the end it’s all worth it.  

Flora is a graduate from Bryant University with a major in communication. She moved to Boston after graduating and somehow is already 2 years post-grad. By day, she is a marketing associate but when she's not at the office she loves trying new foods, hunting for the latest trends, exploring the city, going to spin classes, and finding as many cute dogs to pet as possible! Follow her on Instagram @lifeisgoodman