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Brandeis’s 11th Annual Community Service Fair

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Ever thought about getting involved with a nonprofit organization but didn’t know how?  Looking for a way to give back to your community?  Brandeis’s 11th annual Community Service Fair is your chance to learn more about volunteering or interning for a community service organization!  This event will be an excellent source of information about helping out in the Waltham and Greater Boston area.  Organizations with a wide variety of causes, including environmental conservation, tutoring, and more, will be present at the fair to showcase their missions and spread awareness.  If you’re looking for a way to discover the numerous opportunities for get involved with community service, do not miss this event!

The fair will be held October 5th from 11:30 AM-1:30 PM in the Shapiro Campus Center atrium and will be attended by over twenty area organizations, including Waltham YMCA, More Than Words, and Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters.  And if the chance to make a difference in your community isn’t enough incentive to come, free food and refreshments will be provided.

Andrea is a sociology major with minors in journalism and women's and gender studies. She is currently finishing her senior year at Brandeis University. She was born and reared in Los Angeles, CA, which does mean that she is a die-hard Laker fan… Sorry Bostonians. When Andrea is not routing on her favorite basketball team, she dedicates her time to her many passions. They include reading and writing about fashion, traveling, exploring new restaurants, spending time with friends, watching reality television (she has a weak spot for Bravo), shopping, and working out.