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Ben “Duckie” Bistricer: Campus Cutie of the Week!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Name: Benjamin Bistricer
Class: 2011
Residence: Off Campus
Major(s): Phylosophy and Math

Ben is a brother of Zeta Beta Tau who we selected as this week’s campus cutie. We think he more than proved us right with these answers!

What is currently your favorite song?
My current favorite is “Brother” by Smashproof featuring Gin Wigmore.

What is something few people know about you?
I’ve broken my left pinkie finger three times, playing red rover red rover, basketball, then water polo. Also I can’t sleep in a dirty bed.

What is your favorite quality in a girl?
Empathy. I like girls that care about the happiness of others.

Abigail Katznelson is a Senior at Brandeis University studying Economics and Psychology. She recently joined the Her Campus Team and is so excited to have been recognized by Brandeis as an official charter! She is a member of the Brandeis Student Union, Creative Advertising Director for Student Events, and the Vice President of Sigma Delta Tau Delta Gamma Chapter. Her interests include singing, shopping, writing and exploring exotic foods. She will attend Brandeis’ International Business School next year as a participant in Brandeis’ 5-Year Masters program in International Finance.