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5 Reasons to be a Camp Counselor

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Finals season and the end of the year are upon us, so naturally I’m turning my sights to summer. I love summer for so many reasons, but one of the things I look forward to every summer is my job as a camp counselor. Here are my top five reasons why working at camp is the best job ever.  


1. Fun in the sun.

Between swims in the lake, games played on the field, lunches eaten picnic-style in the grass, and time spent on the playground, you are always outside when you work at camp. Be sure to wear your sunscreen—but either way as a camp counselor you will be getting some pretty serious bathing suit and sneaker tans.



2. Awesome coworkers.

The people who work at my camp are amazing. They are hardworking, fun, and dedicated to giving the campers the best experience possible. There’s nothing better than working with a big group of friends all summer!



3. Dress-up days.

My camp does a lot of themed dress up days where the staff goes all out in crazy costumes. At no other job do you get to be a pirate, a cowgirl, a rockstar, and a Disney character all in the span of a few weeks.



4. Field trips.

Every week at camp we do some sort of special activity or field trip. We’ve been to movie theaters, farms, on boat cruises in Boston, and my personal favorite, trampoline parks. These can be hectic times (imagine transporting tons of kids in the same t-shirt to different locations!), but are always incredibly enjoyable.



5. Be like a kid again!

As a camp counselor, you need to be very responsible. You are in charge of keeping your campers safe and making sure everyone is having a great time. Camp counselors also need to be involved and participate in every activity. You probably remember being a kid and watching your counselors sit on the sidelines while you all played games. Not at my camp! All staff members are involved in every activity—from swimming, to art, to messy backyard! There’s no better way to feel like a kid again then to spend all day enjoying camp activities with your group.