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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowdoin chapter.


In 2006, TIME magazine’s ‘person of the year’ was ‘You.’ The magazine meant to call attention to the new individual power and possibility accorded by the rise of the internet and its supporting technologies. 

In a similar way, this week’s campus celebrity is YOU. Why? Because when Angie Epifano published the devastating story of her rape and its mishandling at Amherst College, you didn’t just say ‘oh that’s too bad’ and move on–you reacted.

YOU shared the op-ed on Facebook and Twitter. YOU talked about its implications at Bowdoin. And, whether you realize it or not, YOU called much needed attention to the issue of sexual assault. 

Don’t stop the momentum! Keep sharing and speaking up! And don’t forget to familiarize yourself with Bowdoin’s own sexual assault policy and resources:

A Guide To Bowdoin’s Student Sexual Misconduct Policy

Resources for Survivors

Self-Care For Survivors

Supporting A Friend





Marissa is a senior at Bowdoin College, majoring in Government and minoring in English. She's interned with NPR, The Christian Science Monitor and ELLE.com. In her spare time she enjoys writing poetry, baking cupcakes, tweeting, and admiring the big dipper. She hopes to live in a lighthouse someday, with 27 cats and a good set of watercolors.