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Stranded at the North Pole… with Tommy Herd ’11

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowdoin chapter.

Hailing from Los Angeles, Tommy Herd came to Maine to play Division III ice hockey for Bowdoin College.  Four years later, due to multiple concussions, Tommy was forced to cut his hockey career short. He traded the ice for the catwalk, finding a new place for himself in the world of modeling.  After spending his first semester of this school year in Paris, taking classes and working as a model, Tommy’s back and looking to enjoy his last semester.  Post-Bowdoin, he plans to live in New York City and start his own modeling-advertising agency comparable to Ford or Elite. Here on campus, you can spot Tommy running a cool ten miles on a treadmill in Buck, or boarding a Concord Coach headed to Boston for the weekend.  Today, Tommy is stranded at the North Pole with Her Campus.

Which superpower would you most like to have if stranded on the North Pole, and why?
I’d like to be able to fly to get the hell out of there. I’m pretty sure a lot of other people share the same response.
If you could be stranded with three on the North Pole, whom would you choose?
Do they have to be humans? My dachshund Tookie, because she has black fur and is super warm and loveable. Then I’d probably say by best friend Alex, because the kid just cracks me up and I’d be pretty miserable on the North Pole. And finally, Angelina Jolie, because it’d either be me or Alex and that point, and I’d take my odds.

What are your three most treasured possessions that you would bring with you to the North Pole?
I’d probably say my Salvatore Ferragamo sunglasses, the last ones I bought which are finally polarized cause otherwise I’d go blind. I’d bring my warmest jacket, and then my dog Tookie, she’s amazing.  She’s in LA and I’ve had her five years.
What food and drink could you subsist on during winter hibernation?
I’d say banana-Nutella-strawberry crêpes, I could pretty much live off that at any point in my life.
Describe how you would spend your day if you were stuck on the North Pole for 24 hours.
Crepes, Angelina Jolie, and I guess walking Tookie. I don’t know what else. I’d be open to doing activities. I’ve got a pretty good set of people with me, as long as I don’t freeze to death I’ll be happy. Going to Bowdoin is good training for this; you’ve got to have thicker skin.