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6 Syllabus Week Tips for Freshman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

Going into the first week of your freshman year at college can be exciting and scary all at the same time, to say the least. Luckily we’re here to help you make that first week a breeze with six of the most important tips gathered from freshman years past.

Please, under any circumstances, do not wear your lanyard around your neck. Even the best of us were caught in the midst of this freshman red flag, so make sure that our mistake is your gain. 

Get familiar with the campus! Before classes start, take a walk with your roommate or a friend around campus. Even if you’ve had a tour, it’s super helpful to look around on your own time. Bring your schedule with you and take a mental note where all your classes are as well, this will save both time and stress once the week starts.

Go to class. I remember as a freshman being told that the first week of classes, or “syllabus week,” was pointless to go to. Trust us, though, it’s important for freshman especially to get a good hold on how each class is structured, which is pretty much what the first week is all about.   

Attend events. There are tons of events going on the first week of school, and they’re there for a good reason! Whether it’s a hall party your CA put together, or even a stand outside the Commons, you never know what you might find or who you’ll meet. So go! Everyone’s looking to make new friends and it makes the first week much more fun if you spend it getting to know some amazing new people.

Leave a couple minutes early. This doesn’t mean be outside your class half an hour before it starts, but if you give yourself a few extra minutes to walk there, you’ll feel less rushed and it will give you some time to find the actual classroom.

Remember: It’s not high school. Flashback to my first week, I remember worrying so much about how other people would see me. Are people going to look at me if I eat alone? Will they think I’m trying too hard if I wear this? What if I get lost and have to ask for directions? There’s no way I can go to the gym alone, right? I’m going to seem like such a freshman… 

Get all of those thoughts out of your head right now. College is a time to explore new things and most importantly, be who you are. The best part? No one is worried about what you’re doing. Everyone is too wrapped up in what they have going on in their lives to make snap judgments about your outfit, compete with your treadmill speed or laugh behind your back because you grabbed lunch by yourself. Don’t think twice about what other people will think of you, be yourself and the rest of the year will fall into place. 

Kathryn is a loquacious and driven senior at Bloomsburg University studying English. Journalism has been her focus for almost eight years and she's slightly excited but mostly petrified of exploring her career options in a few short months. She can be found roaming the halls of Bakeless, yelling into the abyss in BU's student newspaper The Voice's office or making pancakes for her roommates.Check out her personal blog and her study abroad blog.