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Ways to Wind Down After A Rough Day of Class

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.

Picture this: you have class after class after class, then you have to return back to your room only to do more schoolwork. The weather outside is cold and cloudy, and you’re starting to get a cold. 

…doesn’t sound too far off from your typical day, right? We’ve all been there, and we want to help.

Here are some ways that we like to unwind after a rough day here at Binghamton University:

  • Listen to relaxing music. There is a song for every single mood you might be in, so make a playlist for when you’re in need of some relaxation. If you don’t already, try listening to Ed Sheeran, Hunter Hayes, Ron Pope, or John Mayer. Their music is positive, uplifting and will get you through those tough times when you are totally swamped with articles to read and tests to study for.
  • Take a hot bath. Put those new tunes to good use and listen to them while you’re relaxing in the tub! This is more for the off-campus people, but anyone in a dorm can do the same with a hot shower. The warm water will instantly calm you down. If you want to amp up the atmosphere, light some yummy smelling candles to really set the mood.
  • Grab your favorite book. We know that it’s hard to settle down with a good book that isn’t school-related, but try and make time to read something for pleasure. Maybe it’s a book you’ve read a bunch of times, or maybe it’s that new book you’ve been dying to crack open. Either way, reading allows you to get lost in a world that will take you away from all the stress of school.
  • Watch a movie. If you’re feeling groggy, watch something that will put a smile on your face. We love movies like “No Strings Attached” and “27 Dresses” when we’re in the mood for a movie.