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How to Have Fun on Spring Break without Spending A Lot of Money

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.

The flowers are starting to bloom; the weather is getting warmer, hinting that spring break is finally in sight.  With one week of classes left, every Binghamton student is ready for the upcoming break!  Going home and spending time with friends and family can be exciting but being home with not much structure can also be nerve wracking.  Having too much free time can lead to spending unnecessary money on things I do not really need.   I am always looking for fun but more importantly cheap ways to try new things and go on exciting adventures.

Break is a great time to be outdoors.  Go for a walk, run or even a bike ride in a local park or around the neighborhood.  Take a friend or a whole group of friends with you to make your time in the sunshine even more enjoyable.  I know that I always feel refreshed afterwards.  If you want to be even more adventurous, bring a picnic to the park and your afternoon will be complete!  We should all take advantage of the fresh air while we can!

When I am at school, my mind is 100% focused on getting all of my homework and reading done for class.  We college students often do not have enough time to read books for fun.   Spring break is the perfect opportunity to catch up on the latest NY Times bestseller.

Going out to all your favorite hometown restaurants can be extremely tempting.  However, eating out can quickly empty your bank account.  Instead, try cooking a few meals.  Cooking should not be a drag!  Make sure to have fun theme dinner nights like pizza night so, all your friends can choose their own toppings.  My personal favorite themed dinner is make your own sushi.

Have game night so you and friends can dig out the old board games and play your favorite childhood game.  There are so many to choose from: Battleship, Monopoly, Clue, Risk and others!

If the weather permits, take a day trip down to the beach and relax in the sun.  Most beaches do not start charging an entry fee until Memorial Day Weekend.  Bring a magazine and you will feel like you are miles from home!

It is okay to spend a morning on the couch wrapped in a blanket, catching up on all of the television shows you have missed.  Binghamton students work until unknown hours of the night, leaving us not enough of time to binge watch our favorite television shows.  Break is your time to relax and not feel bad about having a lazy morning! 

I hope everyone has a relaxing and peaceful break!

Elana is a Junior at Binghamton University. She is majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Consulting. She is originally from New Jersey. Some of her hobbies include traveling, cooking, reading, writing and playing tennis. On campus, she is involved with Hillel and volunteers at the Boys and Girls Club. She is looking forward to writing for Her Campus and hopes to amuse and provide advice for fellow Binghamton students.
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