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HC Bing Reviews: The Hunger Games

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.

I’m not a big reader, which is sad and ironic because I’m an English major. 

Well, really what I mean is that I’m picky about what books I actually read from cover to cover. The Hunger Games is not a book that was hard for me to read. I’m pretty sure I read the entire series within a week. Yes, it’s that good but I’m sure you know that considering the movie made $155 million over opening weekend.

I, like millions of other fanatics, had very high expectations for the film. I was excited to see my favorite characters come to life on the big screen. I could not wait to see that first kiss between Katniss and Peeta. When I finally did see it, it was everything I could have ever dreamed of. They are just so cute. I’m totally 100 percent in love with Josh Hutcherson. But that’s besides the  point.

Overall, I thought The Hunger Games movie was good, not great. Having read the books, I wanted the film to be perfect but perfection is difficult to come by when books hit Hollywood. While they did a good job, there are definitely some things (OK a lot of things) I wish they included but at two hours and 22 minutes, I guess I understand why they cut out so much. 

For those who haven’t read the book or seen the movie, I won’t give anything away but I will say that there were several parts of the book that I considered vital to be included into the film but were not. I’m not really someone to get heated over things like this. People that got angry over the movie depictions of Harry Potter always freaked me out. However, they left out some things that are kind of important to the development of the next book/film but we’ll see how that works out when Catching Fire hits the big screen.

What I found interesting was that my friends that didn’t read the books but still accompanied me to the midnight showing really enjoyed the movie. Seriously, they won’t stop talking about it. Those of us that read the books were a tad disappointed, some more than others but there definitely was a general sense of disappointment among us and that makes me a little sad.

Nonetheless, what they did with the setting and the depiction of the Capitol and the arena was spot on. It was like they ideas from my brain and made it into a movie so kudos for that. 

Though it wasn’t perfect, I would still definitely recommend going to see it. Jennifer Lawrence is a great Katniss and the cast as a whole is just filled with big names and beautiful people.

So go see The Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor…

Raven Rivera is a senior at Binghamton University majoring in English and Rhetoric with a minor in Theatre. After living on Long Island all her life, she made the move to upstate NY and is enjoying the snowy weather. At Binghamton, Raven is the president and editor-in-chief of the newly SA-chartered publication, Her Campus Binghamton. In her spare time she enjoys watching entirely too much television, romantic comedies and Disney movies, and preparing for her American Idol auditions one day. She is currently an editorial intern for iaam.com and in the future, hopes to move to NYC and be a head writer/executive producer of an awesome television show on ABC, NBC, FOX, or Bravo (really, any will do).