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5 Quick, Easy and Healthy Breakfasts That Will Get You Through the Academic Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.

Getting up, trying to look decent and making it on time to an 8:30 across campus can be a real struggle, but squeezing in time to eat breakfast can be an even greater challenge.  I know for me, breakfast is an essential part of my day and gives me energy to get through a busy day. 

Here are 5 easy and quick breakfast options (one for each day of the school week): 

1. Avocado is one of my absolute favorite foods!  Not only does avocado add flavor and color, but it contains nutrients as well.  Most people do not realize that avocado contains a healthy fat.  Take either a piece of whole-wheat toast or English muffin, slice 1/4 of an avocado, and add a hint of lemon juice and you are set for a fresh and delicious breakfast.  You can also add a few slices of hard boiled egg as well. 


2. Another easy breakfast idea that is full of flavor is Chobani Greek Yogurt, which comes in tons of flavors.  So, be sure to buy a mix of flavors to keep your mornings interesting and exciting.  You can add a variety of healthy toppings including any kind of berry, flax seeds, nuts or dried fruit.


3. One of the most effortless breakfast to make even if you live in the dorm is oatmeal.  There is nothing better than a hot breakfast!  There are plenty of toppings to add; just make sure to add them in moderation.  You can even add a hint of honey. 


4. Dry cereal is perfect for on the go.  You can pack a baggy the night before and eat on the way to class.  Some healthy cereal brands that are low in calories but are still very delicious include Kashi Go Lean and Speak K Multi Grain Oats. 


5. If I am running really late and I need a quick bite that needs no preparation, bars are the answer!  There are literally hundreds to choose from and then can be easily eaten on the go.  Be sure to try Luna Bars, Cliff Bars or Kind Bars.


Elana is a Junior at Binghamton University. She is majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Consulting. She is originally from New Jersey. Some of her hobbies include traveling, cooking, reading, writing and playing tennis. On campus, she is involved with Hillel and volunteers at the Boys and Girls Club. She is looking forward to writing for Her Campus and hopes to amuse and provide advice for fellow Binghamton students.
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