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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Belmont chapter.

Around this time of year, I tend to get a bit nervous. Warm weather isn’t too far down the horizon, and that means short skirts, sleeveless shirts, and crop tops—and in the past, I haven’t always felt comfortable wearing those kinds of clothes. This isn’t an issue of self-body shaming though, well at least maybe not in the way you think. The truth of the matter is simply that I don’t feel comfortable in my own skin. Literally.

Like most everyone, I have a fair amount of insecurities. One of the most prominent, though, has always been my skin. Ever since I was little, I have suffered from red, blotchy, dry skin and I hated it. At least, I did, until I finally decided to fix the problem instead of just being sad about it.  

Today, I’m here to tell you that, not only am I more confident about the appearance of my skin, but I even receive compliments on it! After doing all the proper research, I’ve summed it all down to five simple tips you can use to start working, and eventually achieve, softer, smoother, prettier skin.

Always, Always Moisturize


First off, this should be a given. You need to be moisturizing your body daily. Spending time in a warm shower leaves skin in the optimal condition for getting the most out of moisturizing. Dermatologists say that even after a just a few minutes out of the shower, your skin will begin to dehydrate. Make it habit to apply a lotion or body butter immediately after you dry off.

Lotion vs. Body Butter

While both lotion and body butter are great, there’s a time and place for both. During the summer and most of spring, you should opt for a lotion. The lighter formula works better with the hot and humid weather. While you can continue to use lotion year round, I ask that you consider a body butter for the colder, dryer seasons. Not only is it more effective in that particular climate, but the heaviness of the product won’t be as much of a bother. No one wants that greasy look or feeling!

Products I enjoy:

Gold Bond Healing Lotion

Soap & Glory The Righteous Body Butter

Start Exfoliating

It honestly astounds me when I hear that other people aren’t exfoliating. Why? Because it is an absolute game changer. Not only do I suffer from sensitive skin, I also have a condition called keratosis pilaris AKA chicken skin. Odds are you or someone you know has it, the aggravating patch of bumps in incredibly annoying. I always believed that having smooth skin was a fantasy that I would just never achieve. Not only does my skin look and feel better, I also frequently hear comments about how incredibly soft it is. I recommend exfoliating your body at least once a week, twice max.


Helpful tip: Avoid exfoliating and shaving on the same day, as shaving already exfoliates your skin, and the combination can be too harsh.


Products I enjoy:


Soap and Glory Flake Away

Sabon Body Scrub

Shea Moisture Body Scrub

Use the Right Products

Not only is it necessary to follow these tips, but in order to achieve healthier, more beautiful skin, you need to be using the right kind of product. This is a lesson that took me a long time to learn. If you have sensitive skin, you need to use products with formulas that are specific to sensitive skin. And I mean all your products. If it touches your skin, it needs to be intended for your skin. This doesn’t necessarily mean you can only buy products that say “sensitive” on them, although that is a good practice. Its more about what to avoid than anything else. For example, do your best to avoid artificial fragrances, as they tend to irritate the skin. This doesn’t mean you have to start using unscented body wash however, just body wash with a lower concentration of artificial fragrance. This means anything from Bath and Body Works is out. Sorry not sorry because you’ll thank me later!

Products I enjoy

Aveeno Skin Relief Body Wash


CeraVe Hydrating Body Wash

Utilize these tips and you’ll be all set to show off that soft supple skin come warm weather!

Born and raised in Louisville, KY, Sarah came to Belmont as a member of the class of 2019. Sarah joined the Her Campus Belmont team as a chapter contributor her sophomore year and took over as President just a few months later. While you'll find her studying corporate communications and theatre during school, in her free time she enjoys hot yoga, bingeing Game of Thrones, and working to make her chapter the absolute best it can be.