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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Belmont chapter.

If your semester has started out anything like mine, you are ready to give up, quit school, and move into your parent’s basement. In all honesty, this is the first semester where I feel college has been kicking my tail. Don’t get me wrong, I have dealt with rigorous classes before, but this semester I am juggling more than I ever have, and IT IS ONLY FEBRUARY. I thought I would share some tips that have helped me so far this semester. If you can relate with a sister, check it out:

1. Spring Break

Y’all, one of the main things that gets me through my week is knowing Spring Break is only a month away!! Every Wednesday, when I want to hide from the world, I just take a deep breath and remember that all of this work is worth it, and having something to look forward to helps even more.

2. Coffee

I do not think I would be able to function without a good cup of coffee from the Corner Court everyday. Coffee is God’s gift to us. I imagine Him saying, “Hey, I know you can get through this week, but here’s a little a friend to help you along the way”. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you.

3. Beyoncé

Okay, maybe this is my own personal opinion, but Beyoncé makes everything better. When my schoolwork and anxiety has me stressing and in tears, I just put on my headphones and play some Lemonade. It feels like the world isn’t out to get me whenever her angelic voice is playing.

4. Friends

I know when life gets busy it seems almost impossible to make time for your friends but just try and find 15 minutes a day to be in their company. Whether you ask a friend to get dinner with you at the cafeteria, or just want to lie on a friend’s carpet and stare at the ceiling without saying anything, either one is perfectly okay. But it is important to find comfort in the people who God placed in your life for a reason. I am #blessed for my friends here in Nashville, and I would not be a nice human if they did not keep me in my place and make sure I was surviving and thriving this semester.

5. Call Your Momma

Take two minutes to just give your momma a phone call, and you will feel so much better. My mom is the most kind and beautiful human I know, and I realize it takes a lot of patience and grace to put up with me (especially when I am stressed from school/life). I appreciate her more than she will ever know, and she makes my life 100 times sweeter. So next time you fail a test or trip up the big staircase in Massey (been there—done that), call your momma. It will make a difference. 

I am a freshman music business major, like the majority of Belmont, from the Chicago land area. Like most people, I fell in love with Nashville's music, coffee shops, and obviously all the wall murals. I am a firm believer that one day I will marry Jim Halpert, but until that day, I will wait patiently and keep re-watching The Office. I believe that in an another life time, Amy Poehler and I would be the best of friends. I would hold out hope for this life time, but I am just waiting for her to respond to my emails. Life is good--remember that.