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Why I’m Looking Forward to Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.



Three weeks into the Spring semester, I’m finally coming to terms with the fact that I am back at school.  The looming presence of midterms and papers has pushed me right over the cliff and into a pool of reality.  So, naturally, my first instinct isn’t to focus on my most pressing items on my to-do list, but on the vacation that is a hop, skip, and a jump past academic pain—Spring Break.

Walking through the freezing rain and snow to class has not exactly made my outlook on winter very positive.  My only motivation to make it through these dreary months is the ray of sunshine I see peaking over the horizon, leading me to my tropical vacation in early March.

I no longer find Winter clothes cute.  I’m over the puffy jackets and scarves, and I’m ready for shorts and tank tops.  First of all, who has time anymore to figure out how to properly layer and look cute at the same time?  Not me, that’s who.  I’m ready to stop putting in so much effort in an attempt to be somewhat warm to walk out of the door. Lazy?  Maybe.

This may be the Florida in me coming out, but if I have to wake up one more morning only to realize that I’m a stagnant figurine in this snow globe world, I might scream.

Okay, enough with the drama.  Don’t get me wrong; I love BC and have come to accept the harsh Winters that come with it.  Spring Break is, to be thoroughly cliché, a beacon of hope; it’s the light at the end of the tunnel that is the first part of the Spring semester.  It’s a full week to completely escape from academic pressures and undesirable weather.

Spring Break means a full week to sleep in, ride in the car with the windows down and music blaring, go to the beach, eat delicious food (honestly the most important thing on my list) and bask in the sunlight.

So, Collegiettes, get your pastels out, a pair of your favorite sunglasses and a bomb playlist—Spring Break is right around the corner.  No matter where your break takes you, take that time for yourself.  Relax, enjoy the time away from the pressures of school, and let it rejuvenate you so you can finish the semester strong.  Embrace Spring Break because before you know it, it will be finals, and I will be writing another article about why I’m looking forward to Summer. 





I am a Political Science major and Women's and Gender Studies minor at Boston College. I am an RA on campus and am involved in the Student Admissions Program. Since I am from Florida, I can legitimately say that I love long walks on the beach. I also love getting lost in a world fabricated by a novel, there is honestly nothing better.