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How to Stay Organized this Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

The beginning of the semester is always fun. You’re starting new classes, catching up with friends, and getting settled in a new routine. Things stop being fun, though, as the newness of the school year wears off and you realize you’re overwhelmed with all your responsibilities. If you follow these tips early on, you’ll be guaranteed less stress and better organization!

DO Keep an Assignment Notebook

It’s easy enough to remember assignments as soon as you get them, but we all know right when you step out of class you’ll have a million other things going on. Write them all down! If you keep an organized and tidy assignment notebook, you’ll be able to see all the things you have to do throughout the week and plan your time accordingly. 

DON’T Overload You Schedule

Student Activities Day is an awesome time to learn about all the things on campus. What’s less awesome is signing up for every email listserv and then feeling obligated to go to the clubs. Go to the first few meetings of the semester, and then pick one or two things to really commit yourself to. If you try to join too many things, you won’t have enough time to truly enjoy any of them. 

DO Set Goals for Yourself

Setting daily, weekly and monthly goals for yourself really helps you stay organized and realize what you really need to get done. Goals can be anything from finishing an assignment early, to going to the gym, to making some time to see friends. When you accomplish these goals, you’ll feel proud of yourself, which is an added bonus!

DON’T Put Too Much Pressure on Yourself

Sometimes, things fall through the cracks. Although it’s good to try to do everything, if it comes down to pulling another all-nighter or finishing a minor reading that you know you won’t be accountable for the next day, catch some sleep! Putting too much pressure on yourself to be perfect will just cause anxiety, and then you won’t be able to perform at your best, anyways. 

DO Clean Your Room or Apartment

Cleanliness may not be every college student’s first priority, but it is amazing how an organized room, or even just desk, can help you concentrate. Have a nice, clean area to work in will be less distracting, too, so you can focus on your work. Plus, if you’re running late to class, you’ll know where everything is, so you can be on your way.

DON’T Put Things Off

Procrastination is not your friend when you’re trying to stay organized. Putting things off may seem like a good idea, but next thing you know, you’ll be cramming everything into one night. If you seriously can’t do an assignment in a timely manner, at least do yourself a favor and make an outline or a bullet- draft of things you would including in the paper or assignment, so when you’re scrambling, you’ll have a place to start.

DO Make a To-Do List

If I didn’t have a To-Do list every day, I wouldn’t get anything done. Making a list of all the things you have to do will remind you of how much there is to be done, as well as how much time you realistically have to set for everything. Plus, nothing feels better than putting a big check on your list when it’s all done. 

Hopefully these tips will help you to stay on task and have the most successful year yet!


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I am a Political Science major and Women's and Gender Studies minor at Boston College. I am an RA on campus and am involved in the Student Admissions Program. Since I am from Florida, I can legitimately say that I love long walks on the beach. I also love getting lost in a world fabricated by a novel, there is honestly nothing better.