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How To De-Stress This Finals Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Finals season is upon us! Even though we are all counting down the days until summer, we need to endure this week of extreme hardship, late nights, countless study hours, and stress in order to make it to the beautiful finish line: summer break. While we are all trying to secure study spots while trying to maintain our sanities, its really important to try to de-stress at least for a little bit.

1. Get a manicure!

This sounds sort of insane but I’ve never regretted investing in a good manicure. It’s a good study treat or a break from a long day of studying but also a little bit of time from your day to take a breather, get nice looking nails, and relax. (throw in a pedicure and its even better!). Some nail salons do student discounts, which I always take advantage of.

2. Switch up your study space!

If you can work with background noise, maybe try a cafe or somewhere not in O’Neil to study. If it’s a nice day, try studying outside! Sometimes when you’re in the same spot for hours, stressing away, it’s hard to keep focus and willpower to keep studying. I personally like Starbucks for background noise or sitting outside on a sunny day.

3. Watch Netflix (VERY sparingly)

The reason I think people watch Netflix so much is because it’s relaxing. It’s a time where you can focus on your show, not worry about stuff, and enjoy what you’re watching. I think this is a good study break ONLY if you don’t get to binge watching and letting the “one more episode” mindset take over.

4. Choose sleep!

I’ll admit that it’s really easy to sacrifice and increase coffee intake in order to maximize study time…but sometimes all you need is sleep and a fresh mind. Listen to your body and if you really need to stay up a few extra hours to study, do it but if you’re absolutely exhausted, take time to rest because a tired mind won’t absorb much information!

5. Treat yourself!

If it’s letting yourself eat chocolate, getting a fancy Starbucks drink, or going out to get ice cream or ordering food after a long study day, so be it!! It’s so important to enjoy yourself at the end of the day because a day that’s just stressful is no fun. Get your roommates, friends, and study groups to go out to get a treat after studying and make sure to have a good laugh before ending a study session.

Good luck y’all!










Nursing student at BC who loves coffee, country music, the state of Maryland, and anything pink.
Blake is a senior at Boston College and is pursuing Biology and Pre-Med, as well as the perfect slice of pizza. She is so excited to be a co-Campus Correspondent along with Emily this year! As well as being a writer for Her Campus BC, she is also a member of the Girls Club Lacrosse team, the Public Health Club, and is a physics tutor on campus.