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What’s Coming Your Way This Semester: Blog Style

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall! It’s time for a new year, new adventures, and new blog posts. Here at Her Campus, the blog section is a place where writers have the freedom to create and design their own set of posts. We have tons of exciting things brewing this semester and I couldn’t be more excited to be the liaison between our incredible writers and readers. So, here is a small introduction of what you guys should be on the look out for this fall:

Abroad, But Still Relevant

For many, going abroad is a life changing part of the college experience. This blog will feature some of our abroad friends who will allow us to live vicariously through them during their travels. Stay tuned for a guide on how to be young, wild & free abroad.

More About NYC

One of the best parts about going to Columbia/Barnard is living in NYC. This blog will give you the low down on NYC’s greatest hot spots. It’s easy to get stuck in the MoHi bubble, but this blog will encourage you to venture downtown and try new places.

Advice Column

As much as we all love this place, we can admit that the stress can get to us. This blog will be a friendly (and funny) guide to being a student in MoHi trying to navigate the Big Apple.

His Campus

“Between the Sheets” was a real hit last year and we want to continue this legacy. Look out for this column from a guy who wants to share things from his perspective and shed light on a wide variety of topics from a different lens.


This is just a small taste of what’s to come this semester. Stay tuned for these blogs as well as others and, as usual, please feel free to reach out to our team if you too have a blog idea that you’d like to share.


Welcome back and have a great semester!