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The Stages of Writing A Research Paper (As Told By Sex and the City!)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

1. You get the assignment from your professor, and it’s like…


2. You ponder over it for a few days, only to come up with nothing.


3. All of a sudden, you have the BEST idea! You know exactly what you’re gonna write, and that’s like half the work… right?


4. Now for the research part. This sucks, like literally what is work?


5. So maybe you can just take a short break. The paper will still be there in a day, but that Manolo sale is right now!


6. So now it’s due in two days and you have written NOTHING.


7. You come to the realization that you will have no life for the next two days. Only eating, sleeping, and this paper. Wait no, not the sleeping part.


8. The stress eating begins…


9. You think you may not be able to go on anymore…


10.  When you have a sudden stroke of genius! Hustle, you can do this!


11. Yay, you are finished! Your paper is successfully half-assed and not nearly to your full potential, congrats! Time to go out and celebrate!


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Sofia Lyons

Columbia Barnard

I'm a first year student at Barnard and aspiring fashion journalist, hoping to bring my fellow collegiettes some style tips & info about upcoming trends! I also love singing/songwriting, dancing, event planning, community service, eating good food, and exploring NYC.