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Adam Cline: This Pitcher is a Real Catch

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Name: Adam Cline

Major: Political Science

School: Columbia College

Graduation Year: 2016

Hometown: Seattle, Washington

What are three things we should know about you? 1) I love to bake; it’s a stress reliever for me. 2) I only had 11 people in my graduating class in high school, so Columbia was a bit of a jump, but it has been a great experience. 3) I don’t know what I’d do without my dog.

What baseball team is your favorite, and who is your favorite player? Even though I’m from Seattle, I am a Red Sox fan. I went to Fenway Park when I was 12, and I have been a Red Sox fan ever since. Since I’m a pitcher and a Red Sox fan, one of my favorite players of all time is Pedro Martinez.

How do you balance athletics and academics? The hardest part of balancing athletics and academics is trying to fit in time with friends who are outside of your team. I really enjoy spending time with people and getting to know them, but it’s not the easiest thing to fit in with a full course load and long practices.

Where do you usually study? I usually stick to the 8th floor of Butler or IAB. People think it looks like an insane asylum on the 8th floor, but having my own space helps me stay focused and get work done faster.

What is your favorite memory from your time at Columbia so far? My favorite memory from my time a Columbia was when we won the Ivy League Championship for a third year in a row. It was one of the most surreal moments of my time at Columbia. I couldn’t ask for much more than being able to pull something like that off with the greatest group of guys around.

What is a talent you wish you had?I would love to be a good singer.

What’s on your Spotify right now? I just got into Beyoncé, and I don’t know why I hadn’t done that sooner.

What is your favorite restaurant in NYC? I’ve only been here twice with my teammates, but Del Frisco’s downtown has some of the best food ever; it was a great experience overall.

What is your favorite dessert place in NYC, and what do you get there? Hands down Café Lalo is my favorite dessert place in NYC, and I usually get a slice of the triple chocolate mousse.

What is your favorite off campus hangout spot? Riverside Park is my favorite off campus hangout spot because of all the dogs, and it can be sort of quiet sometimes.

What is the worst thing you have witnessed in Cannons? Seeing the sloppy makeouts is pretty bad, but I probably shouldn’t post on the web the worst thing I’ve seen.

What is your current relationship status? I am currently taken by a pretty amazing girl.

What is the best date you have been on? I love to dress up and go out to a nice restaurant. The best date I have been on was the first date I had with my current girlfriend. While we were back home in Washington, I went over to her house and made dinner, which was a lot more fun than sitting at a restaurant trying to make conversation on a first date.

What do you look for in a partner? I look for someone who is very sweet and encouraging, but who will push me outside my comfort zone and get me to try new things.

What advice would you give to freshman in terms of academics and social life on campus? My advice would be to stay on top of your work each week because you have no idea how fast it will pile up, but don’t forget to have a fun time. It’s your first year of college, and you’ll make some mistakes, but you’ll have plenty of time to learn from them.