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Rocking Road Trip Playlist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

As the entire campus of Auburn winds down for Thanksgiving Break and begins to cringe in the shadow of the looming dates of finals week, many collegiettes will brave the long trek on the open road in search of family and a good turkey dinner. Nobody loves the drive home, but it’s always a little better when it’s accompanied by awesome rock music. Here’s a series of rock and alternative rock songs that detail the average Auburn lady’s drive home! Some of these are a little older, but that doesn’t mean they’re not good!

Follow the hyperlinks to listen to each song!

  1. When you finally have your car all packed up and are leaving the sacred and wonderful city of Auburn: Every Teardrop is a Waterfall- Coldplay
  2. When you go 10 miles per hour over the speed limit, and you pass a cop car: She’s a Rebel- Green Day
  3. When you’re enthusiastically jamming out alone in your car: Dancing With Myself- Billy Idol
  4. When you remember that when you’re home with your parents, you can’t go out to Skybar every other night like you can in Auburn: Where Did the Party Go- Fall Out Boy
  5. When you’re almost out of gas but you decide to wait until the next exit: Livin’ on the Edge- Aerosmith
  6. When you’re trying to decide which candy to buy in the gas station: Any Way you Want it- Journey
  7. When you buy too much candy at the gas station and now you feel sick to your stomach: The Good Times are Killing Me- Modest Mouse
  8. When you’re still feeling sick from the candy but you decide to stop at a McDonalds anyways: My Body-Young the Giant
  9. When you get totally lost and can’t find any of your normal landmarks: I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For- U2
  10. When you finally figure out that you’re passing through Georgia: Peaches- The Presidents of the United States
  11. When you’ve been driving so long you start to get delusional: I am the Walrus- The Beatles
  12. When the GPS says your estimated time of arrival is still 5 hours away: Say it Ain’t So- Weezer
  13. When you start blasting your music so loud that other cars can hear it: Bohemian Rhapsody- Queen
  14. When the sun finally sets: Under Cover of Darkness- The Strokes
  15. When your car clock says it’s 9:00 and you’re getting a little stir crazy because you’ve been in the car for so long: Nine in the Afternoon- Panic! At the Disco
  16. When you kick yourself for deciding to come home: My Own Worst Enemy- Lit

With these songs, you’re well on your way to a rockin’ road trip like no other!

Have any other road trip songs? Let us know in the comments!


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Meghan is a senior at Auburn majoring in microbiology and minoring in journalism. She has been a contributing writer for Her Campus since her freshman year of college, and she absolutely loves it! Her life is made up of alternating periods of stress and relaxation, but full of joy. She loves octopi, Dr. Pepper and strong jawlines.