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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Name: Mackenzie Skiff

Age: 18

Major: Global Studies

Relationship status: Single “but hopefully not for long.”

If a movie was made about your life what genre would it be? It would probably be comedy, because I don’t do a lot of action things in my life but there are moments where I’m like wow, did that just happen.

 If you could be any flavor ice cream, what ice cream flavor would you be and why? I would be the Ben and Jerry “The Tonight Dough” because it’s like a party in your mouth, it’s rich and sweet.

What is one thing that annoys you the most?  When someone steps on my pillow… my face on the pillow and their feet….no too many germs.

What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten? Bison.

Currently a Junior Pandas are my favorite animalMajor....Apparel Design( oh yes!)