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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Every collegiette knows that coffee is the fuel of finals week. But that Starbucks double-mocha-caramel-drip-Frappuccino is starting to look really expensive as dining dollars run out bit by bit. Here are a couple of easy and just as tasty coffee recipes that will help you draw out your dining dollars to the very end of finals week!

If your go-to drink has milk foam in it, there’s an easy way to foam milk right in your microwave!

1.     Fill a jar a little less than halfway with milk.

2.     Shake the jar with the lid on for about 30 seconds.

3.     Take the lid off and microwave for 30 seconds.

4.     Pour the milk into your coffee, and scoop the foam on top.

This will leave you with the proper ingredients to create a classic cappuccino- just put together a cup of 1/3 coffee, 1/3 milk, and 1/3 foam!

Another popular drink is the macchiato, something you can also do for cheap right in your own room! All you really need is coffee of your choosing, some milk, ice, vanilla, and caramel sauce.

1.     Brew a small amount of coffee and put it in a cup.

2.     Add ice to cool it off.

3.     Add as much milk as you would like!

4.     Add 2 tablespoons of vanilla.

5.     Put in more ice, enough to keep it cool.

6.     Add caramel sauce.

And there you’ve got a mock macchiato to satiate your Starbucks appetite! 

Finally is the ever-delicious and sweet Frappuccino. This one does require a blender and a little extra work, but it is well worth it.

1.     Chill your coffee- you’ll need about ¾ of a cup.

2.     Combine coffee, 2 cups of ice, 1 cup of milk, 3 tablespoons of sugar in a blender and blend on high speed until smooth.

3.     Then is the fun part- add whipped cream, caramel, or Hershey’s chocolate syrup to the top of your tasty and frosty drink.

This way, you can have the comfort of Starbucks in your very own home, and for a way cheaper price!

And if you’re feeling a little extravagant and overwhelmed, why not add a little Bailey’s to one or two of these creamy concoctions? Go forth and drink coffee!Any other good coffee recipes? Leave us yours in the comments below!

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Meghan is a senior at Auburn majoring in microbiology and minoring in journalism. She has been a contributing writer for Her Campus since her freshman year of college, and she absolutely loves it! Her life is made up of alternating periods of stress and relaxation, but full of joy. She loves octopi, Dr. Pepper and strong jawlines.