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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

If any of you are like me and living the single life, then you know all about the struggle of seeing your friends or peers in relationships. Sometimes you literally want to puke when you see a couple holding hands walking down the concourse, or eating dinner on the same side of the booth. So tonight as I scrolled through my Facebook feed and stumbled upon way too many couple-y pictures, I decided to compile a list of the reasons why being single is actually awesome. These should assure you just as they did for me! 

1.     I’d much rather go to dinner with my girl friends. There is no worry about eating too much, and the conversation is honestly much better. Plus it’s much more acceptable to wear Nike shorts and a large t-shirt, and we all know how enjoyable it is to pig out on food you didn’t have to make yourself!  Don’t lie, we all get way too nervous to eat the way we really want to while on a date.


2.     There is no one to interrupt your Netflix relaxation time. My Instant Queue is always going to be there for me, waiting with another episode to make my day. I can literally plug my headphones in and ignore everyone for hours on end. Boys require too much attention; attention that could be better spent on the drama-free relationship you have with McDreamy or Tim Riggins.


3.     We’ve all encountered the terrible experience of having a boy make fun of your music choice when driving. Guess what? When you’re single, you can blare anything you want (for me, Taylor Swift all day, every day) and nobody is there to make weird faces at you. Except for the cars in the other lanes, but honestly who cares what they think. 


4.     Your money is YOUR money. How nice is that? There is no significant other to buy birthday, Christmas, Valentine’s, or anniversary gifts for. Which basically means you get to buy yourself presents more often! 


Okay but seriously, we should all appreciate being a single lady and not feel like it’s a bad thing. One day we’ll fall in love and everything will work out perfectly. But for now just enjoy your T. Swift jam sessions and blow your money on a gift you know you’ll like. 


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I'm addicted to Netflix, Chickfila, and Diet Coke. I love changing my hair color and spending all of my money on magazines and coffee. I'm at Auburn working on a degree in Agricultural Communications and trying my best to navigate my way through the Haley Center successfully.