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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Moving can be stressful but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some ways to make the process as smooth as possible. Save yourself time and stress. 

1. Lists! Lists! Lists!

If you’re not the type of person who usually makes lists this is one of the few times where you probably should. I try and make a master list and divide it up by room, meaning I have a sub-list for my kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, etc. This will also help you gauge just how much stuff you have and need to get boxes for etc. 


2. Renting a Truck v. Reassembly

For large items figure out if you’re going to rent a truck, or if you can take them apart and put them back together. IKEA furniture may be convenient the first go around…but once you’ve lost the instructions it may not be so easy to put back together once it’s been taken apart. 


3. Ask yourself some deep questions

Hold the item in your hands, stare at it deeply, and ask… “do I really need this?” The more I move, the less stuff I end up bringing with me. I used to be really bad at collecting up stuff thinking I cared about it only to have it shoved to the back of my closet or the vortex under my bed. This is also a good time to downsize your wardrobe. The fewer things you own the fewer things you need to move. 


4. Think about the box weight

When you’re filling your boxes be mindful of how heavy the box will end up being. Just because it will fit inside doesn’t mean you’ll be able to carry it. I made this mistake moving the first time simply because I find it pleasing when I get as many things to fit as neatly as possible into a box. I had fewer boxes, but I needed help carrying almost all of them. 


5. Keep in mind the order you load the boxes in your car/truck

You want to load the most important things last, so they can come out first. Stuff like your toiletries and basic tools are good examples. When you finally get to your new place and really have to pee and reach for the toilet paper in your brand-new bathroom just to realize it’s somewhere buried in a box is not a good feeling. I find it helpful to pack kind of an overnight bag like you would for a sleepover so you have a change of clothes, toothbrush, and essentials ready to go and you’re not dumping out all of your boxes trying to find them during the moving process. 


6. Stay calm

There will probably be a few bumps in the road but try to keep a positive attitude. Play some tunes while you unload and set up and invite your friends to come help…most people will be willing if you offer them food!

A city slicker making it in a southern college town. I'm trying to reach my goals even though I'm only five feet tall and need a stool. Find me spending concerning amounts of money and drinking concerning amounts of coffee at Starbucks. The mom friend you sometimes want but always need. Good at dishing it out but not so great at taking it so go easy on me. Auburn Pre-Nursing class of 2020.