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3 Reasons Why it’s Okay to be Single in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

We’ve all heard it once before, your 20s is a time to find yourself, be independent and explore the world. And going to college is the perfect opportunity to do so. Maybe you just broke up with your high school boyfriend, or maybe you’ve been riding solo for a while now, but either way, being unattached may not be the worst thing in the world. After all, you have to love yourself before you learn to love someone else.

1. Your significant other should complement you, not complete you.

College is all about discovering who you are and what you want out of life, and sometimes that has to be done alone. Don’t isolate yourself from friends, and, of course, you can still pursue relationships, however don’t let the titles hold you back. Always be yourself, and if someone doesn’t like that, well you don’t need that kind of negativity in your life. Sometimes two people have to grow and change in their own separate ways before coming together, ready for a meaningful relationship. With that being said, find happiness within yourself before looking to others for happiness.

2. Highschool: It’s in the past for a reason.

Don’t get me wrong, I know a lot of high school sweethearts that have lasted through college and survived long distance relationships. However, some people (boys) never grow up and use college as an excuse to act even more immature. I mean what boy is thinking about being in a tied down, committed relationship at this point in their lives? Not many. Besides, you have your entire life. I’m talking at least 65 more years to be in a relationship, so use college to find yourself as cliché as that sounds.

3. I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T

*Que Lil’ Boosie’s song*

Being independent isn’t all about doing everything for yourself and not accepting help from anyone. No one denies that having a boyfriend to bring you soup when you’re sick is a good thing. What I mean is, while being so and so’s girlfriend is good, being your self is better. How are you supposed to grow through various life experiences if you’re stuck in a relationship holding you back? Go for a jog by yourself, eat at your favorite restaurant at a table for one, and don’t rely on other people to make you happy. (Besides one of your besties can bring you soup when you’re sick.)

The moral of the story is this: If you are happy with someone else, be happy and don’t let anyone ruin that for you, but if you are happy by yourself, more power to you girl. 

Animal Science major with a passion for writing. Crazy cat lover, avid diet coke drinker and a shopping addict.