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Why It’s Okay To Fly Solo

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

I feel like at one point in their lives, everyone has been worried about going to some kind of event alone. Whether it be a party, a football game, or literally any kind of public outing, we’ve all had that “showing up alone” fear strike us. But why does that even matter?

High school was where this paranoia was at its strongest. Such an awkward time in our lives (at least mine), and the last thing we wanted to do was show up somewhere and seem like a loner. Although this could still be true in college, it seems like less people care about whether or not they fly solo.

And they shouldn’t, neither should you.

Personally, I’ve always been a quiet introvert who keeps to herself. I rarely went out back in high school either because I didn’t want to or because the “loner” fear struck me too hard. However, once I transitioned into college, I completely let go of that fear and have been completely content with going just about anywhere alone.

One of the biggest benefits with showing up solo is that you can stay for however long you want, and you can leave whenever you want. There’s no trying to convince your friend to stay, or begging them to leave. You come and go as you please.

I’ve also found that going to places alone allows you to actually socialize more, especially at events on campus. Other people may feel awkward trying to start a conversation with you and your group of friends, but if it’s just you it’s easier. The biggest negative to this is that you don’t have anyone to help bail you out of a torturous conversation with a guy who can’t take the hint that you’re not interested…

My point is, no one else truly cares that you didn’t show up with anybody. And why would they? If you really want to go to something, but have no one to go with, just go. You might have more fun than you thought you would, and you might even gain some friends out of it.

Sources: http://www.giphy.com