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Splurging and Saving for Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

Spring has sprung and summer is just around the corner!  This is the time of year I typically find myself bored with the contents of my closet, and too broke to indulge in a shopping spree. Investing in just a few seasonal pieces always adds a little life to your wardrobe. However, it’s important to know when you can splurge and where you should save—a lesson I’ve learned the hard way. 

Save:  Sunglasses

Sure, I appreciate a sleek pair of Ray Bans as much as the next person, and have had my eye on a pair of Versace shades for a while, but realistically, sunglasses are fragile and a good place to save.  They fall to the bottom of your purse.  They slide under the seats in your car.  You leave them on the table when you go out to eat.  You drop them on the ground.  It’s inevitable that you will lose or break them.  I recommend buying several cheap pairs in different styles so you have a variety of cute shades without breaking the bank.  Plus, you won’t be devastated when you lose a pair.  But… If you’re the type of person who can handle such a delicate accessory without any problems maybe sunglasses are worth the extra cash.  My experience indicates that the majority of the population should save on these babies.
Splurge:  White Apparel
I adore all things white during these warm and sunny months.  From shorts to dresses, white is a staple color in summer apparel.  Channel your inner Marilyn Monroe and sport a bold, white dress if you’re feeling extra daring and sexy.  Pair white skinny jeans with colorful blouses and accessories for a fun and beach-y look.  The possibilities are endless with white apparel.  This timeless color is well worth the splurge because it will always be in style during the spring and summer months.
Save:  Tank Tops
These poor things take a beating. Let’s be honest:  We all sweat in the summer sun and have the pit stains to prove it.  Not cute.  Plus, heat and sunlight can weaken a lot of fabrics and hasten the deterioration.  Your favorite stores will drastically mark down tank tops at the end of the season with prices so low that you’re practically stealing them.  Even if these tank tops are out of style next summer, you can pair them with other hot items for a well-rounded look.  But… If you see a tank top that you can’t live without it, splurge.  If it’s that remarkable of a piece, you will only whip it out for special occasions, so wear-and-tear will be minimal.
Splurge:  Bathing Suits
If you’re the type of person that dreads pulling your bathing suit out of storage, maybe you haven’t found the right one for your body.  Shopping for bathing suits can be frustrating and tiring, especially if you’re on a tight budget.  However, when you’re lying half-naked on the beach or at a pool party, confidence is key. There are millions of styles for every taste and body type. Inexpensive bathing suits often don’t supply adequate coverage or support. It might be tedious to find the perfect swimsuit, but when you do find one that you feel good in, splurge.  There’s nothing worse than paying for a swimsuit you hate and feeling so self-conscious in it that you never end up wearing it.  Not only is that a waste of money, it’s depressing too!
My experience has taught me where I should save and when it’s ok to spend a little extra.  Nothing is more frustrating than spending a ton of money on an accessory that breaks after a few uses or clothing that goes out of style soon after you buy it.  When you’re shopping for seasonal pieces keep in mind the durability and versatility of different items before you purchase anything so that you and your bank account will be happy! 

I am a 2015 graduate of Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina. I graduated summa cum laude with a degree in communication, journalism. Upon graduation, I moved to Nashville, Tennessee to work for my college sorority, AOII. I am currently the Assistant Director of Communications of AOII and Editor of our internationally-circulated magazine, To Dragma. I'm a fitness enthusiast through and through. I love weightlifting, running and boxing, and I am always up for a new workout! I am also a coffee addict with a killer sweet tooth. When I'm not at work or at the gym, you can find me scoping out the latest and greatest coffee and donut spots in Nashville.  I've been part of the Her Campus team since 2012, when I joined App State's team of writers. I was the CC of my chapter my senior year, as well as a Chapter Advisor. I have remained a CA since graduating, and I love having the opportunity to stay connected to Her Campus in this role!
Laura Maddox is a Senior at Appalachian State University. Laura was born and raised in Charlotte, NC but loves the mountain air in Boone. She is one of four kids and has an identical twin sister. Laura enjoys reading, fashion, blogging, traveling, chocolate, lots of coffee and riding in the car with the windows down. She has a knack for creative writing, doodling and procrastination. Laura plans on moving to Boston after graduation to pursue a career in the advertising industry as a copywriter. Laura loves APP and will always be a Mountaineer fan!