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Rodrigo Quan Miranda

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Amherst chapter.

Name: Rodrigo Quan Miranda
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: San Salvador, El Salvador
High School: Choate
Dorm: Mo Pratt
Major: Math
Favorite Class: Cervantes with Maraniss
Ideal Date: “There’s this one restaurant I always used to go to with my girlfriend at Choate, so we love going back there.”
Spirit Animal: Shark
If You Could Visit Any Country in the World, Where Would You Go: Brazil
If You Could Have One Super Power, What Would it Be: Time travel
Favorite TV Show: Mad men
Relationship Status: Taken
Sport: Squash
Craziest Thing You’ve Ever Done: “This one day, my girlfriend was having a really bad week at Emory, so I decided that day to get on a plane and fly to Emory.”
The Biggest Difference Between El Salvador and the US: The beaches in El Salvador are nicer

Evelyn is the Editor-in-Chief of the Amherst branch of Her Campus. She was a features intern at Seventeen Magazine during the summer of 2011 and a features intern at Glamour Magazine during the summer of 2013. She is a French and English major in the class of 2014 at Amherst College. She is also on Amherst's varsity squash team. She is an aspiring travel writer/novelist, and loves running, ice cream, and Jane Austen.