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Did I really Send That Text?: Amherst Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Amherst chapter.

Ever sent a text you didn’t remember sending the next morning, or send a text you just can’t decipher the next morning?  Or maybe you texted the last person on earth you wanted to text?  You are not alone.  

This week’s best texts from last night, the Amherst Edition:  

1. “All I want is hot cheese, a boyfriend, and a pet chipmunk”

2. “We could lgith ypuon firee”

3. “Kayyyy will do but probs tomorrow, ryan is peeing outside a convenience store”

4. “What are you up to?”
“I’m honing my pole dancing skills”

5. “haha lietrally just fell off my hcair.  charir.  chair!!”

Evelyn is the Editor-in-Chief of the Amherst branch of Her Campus. She was a features intern at Seventeen Magazine during the summer of 2011 and a features intern at Glamour Magazine during the summer of 2013. She is a French and English major in the class of 2014 at Amherst College. She is also on Amherst's varsity squash team. She is an aspiring travel writer/novelist, and loves running, ice cream, and Jane Austen.