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Wind Becomes Her: Actress Maddy Stark

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

When we reflect back on the infamous 1925 Scopes “Monkey” Trial, the message we remember is to empower the freedom of thinking. American University’s talent in Inherit the Wind breathed new life into the play based on the scandal, which ran from March 26 to March 30 at AU’s Greenberg Theatre. 

Maddy Stark (above, center) commanded presence on stage without a word in her role as the wind. She also injured her foot and still went through with the shows! Her Campus American sat down with the freshman to discuss her commanding performance. 

Her Campus American: Tell us about the audition process for a role that Director Gail Humphries Mardirosian created.

Maddy Stark: I originally auditioned for the part of Rachel. During the callback process, Gail conducted a full rehearsal. It involved physicality, scene work, partner work and monologues. We were doing monkey-esque movements (the stage was modeled after a monkey cage). I was one of the top movers, according to the directors. When the cast list came out, at the bottom it said Herdy Gurdy wind. It was a fluke I got the role, and it’s been the most rewarding process ever since.

HCAU: How did you prepare for a role with no monologue or dialogue?

MS: I went through the stage directions and also examined the metaphors that the characters represented. Then I looked at how I wanted to interpret the characters. From there, I created this wind-woman person, Ava Day. Shout out to Chelsea Thaler. She helped me a lot; I came in as a green actor who didn’t act a lot before college. 

HCAU: Would you say you went method?

MS: No, but when you’re up there, you’re that person. I wasn’t walking around flailing my arms everywhere. But I did use emotional physicality and external resources, ideas that are from the Meyerhold technique.

HCAU: How long have you been acting? What are your future plans in drama?

MS: I started acting seriously this year. The final semester of my senior year of high school, I was Babe in Crimes of the Heart. The role was rewarding. I was also in the New Student Showcase in the fall. I’m transferring to DePaul University in Chicago to a training program for acting.  

HCAU: What’s been a memorable reaction to your performance?

MS: On the preview night, the Washington Latin School saw our show. Later, we visited them and led them through our physicality tools and talked them through our process. Then this kid comes up to me and goes, “Were you a princess or morality?” It’s a heavy piece, so the fact that a younger kid could understand [the metanarrative] was great. I was like it can be morality if you want it to be morality!

HCAU: Do you plan on acting in the summer?

MS: No. I’m going on a road trip. Just gonna get in my car and go, probably with my little brother. 


Photo Credits:

Ryan Anderson

Maddy Stark