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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Name: Tam Sackman, but my Travoltified name is Tom Smotchkins

Major: Film and Media Arts

Story behind your hair color: Birth? But one time I dyed just the bottom of my hair pink so that I could cut it off if I didn’t like it, but it ended up just washing out that night so *phew* close one. 

Favorite thing about sweaters: The arms. 

Best college experience so far: Everything. I’m a huge WONK. 

If you could have dinner with any ancient dictator, alive or dead, who would it be?: Mao Zedong. 

Favorite social media outlet: Twitter. Follow me @tamsackman.

Coffee or cranberry juice?: What kind of question is this? Cranberry juice is bad. Coffee. 

Favorite painting of all time:After the Prom” by Norman Rockwell. Haha sike. 

Best experience you’ve ever had while listening to a Taylor Swift song: Impossible – every experience I have listening to Taylor Swift is extremely #positive. If you’re reading this ily Taylor.

Shoe size: Yes.