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Rory Slatko ’15: Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner 3D07 & CAACURH Regional Director

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

When the topic of conversation is Rory Slatko, only one word comes to mind: superstar. You may see the sophomore around campus adorning the ever infamous On A Sensual Note tie while belting out ‘Some Nights’ by Fun, in a suit getting into ‘Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner’ mode, at one of many RHA events or walking his adorable dog Gigi on the quad.  The Politial Science major hails from the glorious state of Delaware and has been active on campus since day one. He began his career here at AU in the Undergraduate Senate and has since worked his way up to become Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner & Treasurer 3D07 and CAACURH Regional Director. But his most impressive feat so far? Having over 100 Belly points at Crisp & Juicy. Superstar.

What are your duties as Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner 3D07?
As the Commissioner for single-member district (SMD) 3D07, I’m a representative to our local Advisory Neighborhood Commission. I represent residents of Anderson, Centennial, Hughes, Leonard, McDowell, and Cassell Hall in hyper-local government affairs. As a commission, we give input into public space requests, business licensing, and zoning issues, as well as provide additional input into city affairs like the zoning code rewrite, for example. As Treasurer for the commission, I keep our financial books and file quarterly reports with the DC Auditor. Because of the scope of my SMD, I don’t generally have as many standard issues in my jurisdiction. I’m finding that a lot of my work revolves around making students aware of the larger community that we’re a part of.

What made you want to get involved with the Advisory Neighborhood Commission?
Running for election to the ANC was a decision I made primarily because it was an arena in which I saw the greatest need for student representation. I served as a Senator in the AU Student Government as a first-year student, and worked on the Executive Board of the Residence Hall Association in the Spring of 2012, and in both capacities I saw an obvious need for representation and consolidation of the student voice on campus; however, building bridges into surrounding neighborhoods and the district at large is a challenge we have a longer road to meeting, and it is by and large a less conspicuous need. As a result, I decided to run for the ANC for the November 2012 general election to work towards progress in our community relations, and to bring the student voice to the table in local issues beyond the boundaries of our campus.

What’s a typical day for you like?
All of my classes are morning to afternoon this semester, so they’re always the first thing I have on my schedule. After my classes are over I usually have phone meetings for my remote work as Regional Director, and those are one-on-one or small-group meetings. If I have an in-person meeting for the ANC, it usually takes place on my day of no classes, Tuesdays, or in the afternoon on Wednesdays, but on occasion I have commitments in the early evening to attend, like Town Halls or the monthly commission meeting. My nights are usually dotted with additional phone meetings before my rehearsal with On A Sensual Note. The rest of my time is generally consumed by homework and a variety of tasks and readings to complete for NACURH and ANC. I always make time to grab food with friends and I try to keep up with my favorite TV shows (Doctor Who, West Wing).

Talk about NACURH and your work with RHA briefly.
NACURH, Inc. stands for the National Association of College and University Residence Halls, and it is one of the largest student-run corporations in the world. NACURH is a support network for residence hall associations and chapters of the National Residence Hall Honorary, with a large presence in the US and continuing expansion in a number of international locations. NACURH is divided into eight regions, and DC is included in the Central Atlantic Affiliate, along with Delaware, New Jersey, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and an affiliate in the nation of Qatar. I currently serve as the Regional Director for the Central Atlantic (CAACURH), and oversee a small, remote team around the region as well as coordinate representatives from our ~50 member institutions. As Regional Director I also straddle the line between the regional and national structure, serving as CAACURH’s representative on the National Board of Directors. The position isn’t compensated (with reimbursement for travel expenses), but is rewarding in a number of ways, giving me the opportunity to gain professional experience and to serve the student voice around the country and the world.

Favorite spot in D.C.?
Capitol Hill is currently my favorite spot – beautiful architecture, and every visit comes with some story or experience. That being said, I can probably say that because I haven’t interned there; I’m not sure I would necessarily still feel the same (from what I hear). Besides the standard locations, I’m a big fan of food and love Open City and Crisp & Juicy in Tenleytown. Those are “spots,” right?

Post-college plans?
Well, I’ve found a passion for public service and leadership, but have also discovered a world where the best opportunities are the ones I didn’t plan for and didn’t see coming. So my post-college plans are pretty open-ended, and I think I’ll be better for it. That being said, I’m convinced it’s what you do with the opportunity and not where you are.

I’m inclined to take a gap year before I jump into anything, during which I’m aiming to hike the entire Appalachian Trail and go abroad for the rest of my time. Afterwards, I could see myself working in an entry-level position in DC, starting a cause of my own, or going back to school for a J.D. or master’s degree. Whatever path I’m inspired to take, I hope it’s because I’ve concluded it’s what I want to do and something I’d love doing, and not just because it’s a path I feel like I have to take.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
I love cats, but if I give any more detail about how much I love cats it may be more weird than fun.


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