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Mackenzie DeMore ’18: Activist for Haiti

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Although she’s only a freshman, Mackenzie DeMore has already made her mark upon campus and Haiti. As a member of Community-Based Research Scholars and a variety of clubs including She’s the First, Mackenzie has an interest in community service and has since applied this interest to the Association of the Peasants of Fondwa (APF) where she interns. According to Mackenzie, APF is not only a great experience for those interested in non-profits, but it’s also an amazing organization.

HCAU: So, what’s APF exactly?

Mackenzie DeMore: APF is the Association for the Peasants of Fondwa. It’s in its 26th year and was founded by a priest named Father Joseph. It supports Haiti through a variety of projects. Their goal is to empower the rural people of Haiti and help them to use their resources and education throughout their lives.

HCAU: And you intern for them?

MD: I work for APF-US. We support Haiti and also conduct service trips. We also may be hosting a toy drive.

HCAU: What has APF already achieved?

MD: They’ve created the first and only rural university in Haiti. There’s also an orphanage and an elementary, middle and high school. They’ve also created a radio station in Haiti. However, after the earthquake, a lot of it was destroyed.

HCAU: Since the earthquake, what has APF done to help?

MD: Luckily, the elementary school has been re-built and the university is in a temporary building, but functioning.

HCAU: How has APF helped specific students?

MD: There’s a student named Junior Beauvais who is studying right now at Virginia Tech who started out at the university in Fondwa.

HCAU: What are some of the cool parts about working for APF?

MD: Leonardo DiCaprio actually helped fund APF for this year which is pretty cool. The organization is really interested in reforestation as well.

HCAU: That all sounds awesome. How can one get involved in APF?

MD: If you want to intern or volunteer, go to apfhaiti.org. Also if you want to know more, please watch the film on FatherJosephthefilm.com. 

Chelsea Cirruzzo is a sophomore at American University studying Public Relations and Strategic Communications. She is originally from Long Island. In addition to writing for Her Campus American, Chelsea is a Community-Based Research Scholar as well as a Resident Assistant. When not reading or writing, Chelsea can be found seeking out pizza wherever it might be or talking about feminism.