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8 Things I’ve Learned as a Freshman at AU (So Far)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

I’m a freshman here at AU, and it’s safe to say that I’ve already learned a lot in the short time that I’ve been living on campus. Here are 8 of the many key things I have learned as a freshman (so far):

1. People truly do dress to impress

Considering we go to a university where the White House is right down the road and many students have internships on Capitol Hill, I probably should’ve assumed people would dress their finest. That being said, you could only imagine the look on my face when I showed up to the first day of classes wearing shorts and a t-shirt and some of my classmates were wearing suits. At least now I know to never wear a sweatshirt to my classes in Kogod ever again.

2. Eating on campus is a constant struggle

The number one complaint among freshmen at AU has to be the fact that TDR is just awful. Luckily, there are a ton of other options to eat on campus, but a person can only eat so much Subway. You might even try being healthy by stopping by Freshii, but who really has time to wait in that line? I often think I want to make a meal in the lounge, but then I remember what my bank account looks like and that I have a meal plan for a reason. At the end of the day, it’s easy to just give up and go get some tenders. 

3. Politics are kind of a big deal

This makes sense considering we go to school in our nation’s capital, but the presence of politics on this campus are more prominent than I ever would have expected. It doesn’t matter if you are in SPA, SIS, or even if you’re a chemistry major, politics are going to play a major role in your everyday life. Even if you’re not into politics at all, you at least need to know the bare minimum to try to keep up in conversation, especially during this election season. I’ve caught myself getting into political debates even when I didn’t I mean to, and it could be scary if you don’t know exactly what your’re talking about. 

4. Best friendships don’t happen overnight

When I came to AU, I left behind a friend group of eight amazing girls. During my first week of school, I saw so many people hanging out in groups looking like they had been best friends for years, and I wondered how they were already so close. Honestly, it was silly for me to think that I would show up to college and automatically have a friend group just like I had back home. I’ve learned that just because the girl who sits next to me in class is nice to me doesn’t mean that she’s going to be my best friend forever. True friendships take time, and I’m lucky to have some awesome friends here that I hope to become even closer to, while making more friends along the way.

5. Just because we’re in college doesn’t mean everyone automatically starts acting like adults

Just about four months ago, the entire class of 2020 was still in high school, and because of that, people still act like they’re in high school. I understand that it is going to take a little bit longer than just two months away from home for some people to start acting mature, but it should at least be a start. 

6. Everyone is in the same boat

As scary as randomly approaching a girl who lives on your floor just to get to know her seems, it’s really not that weird of an act for freshmen to do. All freshmen are feeling the same way, and I know that I definitely appreciate it every time someone makes a conscious effort to be welcoming towards me. We may be covering up our homesickness well by hanging out on the quad together or traveling out in packs on Friday nights, but when it comes down to it we’re all still adjusting to this whole new atmosphere together. If anyone tries to tell you that they don’t miss home or that their transition into college went perfectly, they’re lying.

7. Having so much independence can be a blessing and a curse

Being able to do basically whatever I want whenever I want is really liberating, but it comes with a price. I no longer have my mom waking me up every morning telling me to go to class, which makes it very difficult for me to get myself out of bed and actually get to class. My mom is no longer able to make me a healthy home cooked meal every night and tell me that there’s no need for me to go out and get Chipotle for the second time that day. But then again, I now have the freedom to follow my own schedule and figure out how to live off on my own for the first time.

8. There is still so much more to learn!

I’ve been a student at AU for less than two months, and for me to say I know everything about this school and college life in general would just be crazy. My college experience so far has been a huge learning experience in so many ways, but there is still so much to learn. It’s not even Thanksgiving break yet and I already feel as if I’ve been living here for years. But I know that so much can still change in the time I have left here, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me.


Photo Credits: 1, 2, 3, 45

Just your average cupcake baking, coffee drinking, nap taking business student taking on Washington, D.C.