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20 Things On Every 20-Year-Old’s Bucket List

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Your 20’s: arguably some of the most crucial years of your life. Your 20’s are the years you graduate college, find a stable job, maybe settle down, get married and have a family later on. The early 20’s are your years to do you– live your life as an individual before the crazy responsibilities of life fully sink in. Everybody has a bucket list of things they strive to accomplish in their lives. Things that are fun, thrilling, terrifying and everything in between. A lot of people have made bucket lists for young adults and some include pretty extreme things like breaking a Guinness World Record. While that is definitely possible, here are some pretty attainable and meaningful goals to strive for in your 20’s.

1. Go on a road trip with friends

Grab a few of your closest friends, get a car, pack some clothes and food and just leave. Go to cities you’ve always wanted to visit. Camp out in a camping site for a night. Hike on trails in the mountains. Hit a bunch of national landmarks. Do the whole “tourist” thing. Pick five destinations and go!

2. Be happy with yourself

Seriously. Be at peace with yourself. Accept who you are. Decide that what others think about you doesn’t matter. The moment you allow this to sink in for real you’ll realize how much happier you are. Love yourself. There’s only one of you on this planet. You’re awesome. Remember that.


3. Travel

You’ve most likely heard this a million times, but it can’t be stressed enough. The world is a big place. Bigger than your hometown or your college campus. GO SEE IT. Discover new things, explore new places and experience life for yourself. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Immerse yourself in a different culture. Meet new people and create relationships with people you’d otherwise never meet by staying on the couch watching TV. You’ll be surprised how many cool people there are in this world that could change your life.

4. Discover something new about yourself

Your 20’s are a time of personal growth. You learn more than you knew there was to know about yourself. New experiences and new people you meet will change you and mold you every day. Every year you’ll look back and realize how different you are now than you were before. Embrace it! Note these changes and see how far you’ve come. Make it a goal to learn more about yourself and who you really are.

5. Take a class

Take a class in something you’ve never tried before. If you hate it, well now you know and you’ll never have to do it again. But if you love it, you found a new hobby! Try new things, take risks and get out of your comfort zone.

6. Skydiving

Cliché, but it’s a thrilling yet terrifying thing that everyone should experience at least once. Once you do this, you’ll feel like you can take on the world. Odds are once you get older you won’t be as willing to do something this crazy, so get it over with now. Buckle up!


7. Become an early riser

The day starts much earlier contrary to what a lot of people believe. Don’t waste the day in bed. Get up, get some coffee and get going! A productive start to your day makes for a productive rest of the day.

8. Become open-minded

If you aren’t already. Look at issues from other people’s points of view. Don’t be narrow-minded. This is so important as adulthood becomes a reality.

9. Dance

Don’t be afraid to make a fool of yourself. Go crazy. Do a dance even when there’s no music playing. Participate in a flash mob. Have fun and learn to laugh at yourself. Don’t be afraid of embarrassment.

10. Stop a negative habit

Whether it’s smoking, drinking, overeating, worrying or watching too much TV, make a decision to end it today. You’ve got to start somewhere.

11. Be content with where you are

Stop stressing. You’ll get where you need to be eventually. Life’s a marathon not a sprint. If you’re single, be happy with your singleness. Remember there’s a season in life for everything. Enjoy the season you’re in. You’ll be happier when you become at peace with your current situation. That doesn’t mean don’t work hard to get where you need to be, but just don’t get all worked up about every detail of the picture.


12. Listen to someone older than you

Really listen. Believe it or not we don’t know everything. In fact, we know almost nothing. There’s so much more to life that we haven’t experienced or know enough about yet, so partake in the wisdom imparted by those who have. Some might think it’s lame to listen to “jaded” or “outdated” adults, but believe it or not they have a lot to teach us. Whether it’s a parent, family friend, neighbor, grandparent or someone else, hear what they have to say and take it to heart. They’ve been on this planet longer than you have.

13. Learn a new language

This could come in handy when you travel and also looks great on a resume. But it’s also a great personal goal! Buena suerte. (Good luck!)

14. Go back and read the classics

Most people read books like “The Great Gatsby” and “Catcher in the Rye” in their high school language arts classes, but how many actually paid attention and really understood all those books for what they are. Go back and re-read the books you want a second look at. You’ll be glad you did! They’re classics for a reason.


15. Get over the fear of public speaking

You’re going to have to talk in front of people many times in life, so it’s good to get this fear over with early. Just remember, you always think you look way more nervous than you actually do. Put on your confident face and just do it!

16. Scrapbook

Record all your good memories of your past in a scrapbook. You’ll be glad you did in a few years when you can look back and remember the good old days. Take pictures, save personal mementos and stick them in. It’s a great hobby.

17. Change something

Whether it’s your clothes, hair or the music you listen to, try something new. Change can be good. We like comfort a little too much sometimes. Cut your hair. Grow it out. Dye it. Buy an outfit in a style you’d normally never wear. Listen to rock or jazz music.


18. Watch the “ten greatest films of all time

Whatever they may be. Movies today are full of special effects and intense action but some of the greatest movies ever made were filmed way before the age of the blockbuster. Give them a watch!

19. Do something you’ve always wanted to you, despite what others have said

If you’ve wanted to get a tattoo or piercing, get one. If you’ve always wanted to have an apartment in the city, get one. Do what makes you happy. 

20. Pay it forward

Kindness; it really is a powerful force. You don’t have to know someone to be nice to them. Pick up the tab of the person behind you in the drive thru, open the door for others, donate items you’ve outgrown, pay for someone’s groceries, give up your seat for someone on the bus. Make someone’s day and continue the kindness. You’re an adult now and you realize there’s more to life than just you.


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My name is Gabby, I'm a sophomore at American University and I'm majoring in Communication Studies.