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10 Signs You’re Getting Too Close To Your Roommate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Roommates. You sleep, eat and hang out with each other. You know all the dirt on her, you know what she looks like without makeup, and you know all of her nastiest living habits. You’re the biggest source of interaction she has with anyone at school, but do you know your roommate almost too well?

1. You’ve locked her out of the room in her towel at least once.

2. Your belongings have merged into one big pile.

3. You can eat like a pig around her. 

4. You have code words for the annoying people on your floor. 

5. People are suprised when they see you without her. 

6. You can freely dance in your room without judgement from her.

7. You can vent about every brief fling on campus to her and she will understand. 

8. You can put her in her place when she isn’t listening to your advice.

9. You let her know when she isn’t looking her best.

10. Although you may fight occassionally, you can’t imagine having a different roommate next year. 

Photo Credit: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Born in Peoria, Illinois, Taylor is an International Studies major at American University in Washington, D.C.. She  has a passion for fashion, style, and beauty writing, and she hopes to occassionally bring the political dynamic of D.C. into her articles.