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Mirada global al Dia de Concienciacion del Autismo 2016

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albizu chapter.

En conmemoración al mes de la Concienciación sobre el Autismo Her Campus Albizu ha querido promover la inclusión, la tolerancia y el respeto presentando diversidad de videos que muestren desde los primeros síntomas de la enfermedad hasta el planteamiento de que el autismo puede tener cura. Se mostrarán las versiones sobre el autismo de las diversas confederaciones y fundaciones que brindan servicios de excelencia para estos pacientes.

La Confederacion española público lo siguiente:


La “Autism Society” de los Estados Unidos publicό el siguiente particular:

Today is world autism awareness day. Today, throughout the world, individuals will come together highlighting the needs and dreams of people living with autism. Today, all of us at the Autism Society honor and respect each individual living with autism for whom they are. We celebrate and honor parents, siblings, grandparents, teachers, and other professionals who provide support and love to those living on the autism spectrum. We celebrate those who, years ago, did not accept what they were told they couldn’t do and today have shown what they are capable of. We celebrate those elected officials, business and religious leaders who value the beauty of a person with autism.

But today, we also must realize that autism, in growing numbers, exists each day of the year. We also must remember that while we aim to increase awareness of autism, the larger societal need extends way beyond awareness. Our nation still lacks a strong commitment to assuring that each person living with autism is provided an opportunity to realize a quality of life so many are still denied. Our nation must stop talking about autism and do more than talk. Today, most people living with autism are discriminated against in employment and access to a quality public education. Parents regularly must battle with their child’s school to ensure their child receives the required and legally mandated opportunities to succeed.   We are all aware of the issues people with autism still face today. Let’s use today to focus the conversation on making meaningful change.

Today promotes the need for awareness and the Autism Society joins in that effort. It is not enough.  The real question that must be asked is will we as a nation on each day of the year really commit to allow each person living with autism to advance on a successful path, free of unnecessary obstacles to maximize his or her quality of life. When that is the reality, we can then celebrate as a nation that we did something right. Autism impacts 1 in 88 individuals. It is time to allow each “one” on the autism spectrum a life of success and opportunity.

En Japón se ofreciό la “Global Conference on Autism” la cual es considerada como la conferencia más abarcadora y nutrida de especialistas en el campo. Este año fue titulada: “Joint Academic Conference on Autism Spectrum Disorders: Exploring Autism Research Collaboration between Japan and the United States.” El secretario general de Japon brindό el siguiente mensaje:

I am pleased to send my greetings to this second World Autism Day Ministerial Conference and Civil Society Symposium. I commend the organizers and sponsors for their efforts to draw public attention to autism and other developmental disabilities, and I thank the Government of Japan for their leadership on this issue.

In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly designated 2 April as World Autism Awareness Day to create greater understanding about autism and promote universal adherence to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Autism is a complex and inadequately understood disability with a wide range of manifestations. Children and adults with autism – and, indeed, those living with disabilities in general – have a double burden. In addition to the daily challenges of their disability, they must also cope with the negative attitudes of society, inadequate support for their needs and, in some cases, blatant discrimination.

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which entered into force in May 2008, is a powerful tool to redress such situations. It aims to promote equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by persons with disabilities. As of today, 144 countries have signed the Convention and 83 have ratified it.

As we celebrate World Autism Awareness Day, let us join persons with autism, their families and their advocates in a community of voices for greater awareness and understanding. By combining research and awareness-raising, we can provide persons with disabilities such as autism the protection and support that is their right. Today, let us rededicate ourselves to creating an inclusive society that affords full membership and true dignity for all persons with disabilities.

I wish you a successful and productive meeting.

Cada uno de los países, conmemoró el día de la mejor manera. Siempre, fomentando el cese a la discriminación, la equidad, el seguimiento de la carta de derechos para cada individuo y buscando, la cura. Ahora bien, que puede decirse sobre esto último, vean el siguiente video para que estén más familiarizados con la temática:

Más allá de la cura es muy importante considerar el cuadro clínico y las consideraciones más importantes al hablar de autismo, vean el siguiente video informativo:



1.      Confederaciόn Autismo España [ Confederación Autismo España]. (Mar 31, 2016) Spot #pasaloporelautismo –>. Retreived from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9jqMXYyAEc&feature=youtu.be

2.     Badesch,S. (2016). A World Autism Awareness Day Message from the Autism Society President and CEO. Abril 11, 2016, de Autism Society Sitio web: http://www.autism-society.org/press-releases/a-world-autism-awareness-day-message-from-the-autism-society-president-and-ceo/

3.     Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. (2010). Secretary-General’s message to World Autism Awareness Day Ministerial Conference and Civil society Symposium. Abril 11, 2016, de United Nations Sitio web: http://www.un.org/sg/STATEMENTS/index.asp?nid=4473

4.     hora07[ h07lared] (Abril 11, 2016) Estudio reveló que el autismo SI tiene cura. –> Retreived from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtH2hx2CmUA&nohtml5=False

5.     Aris, A. [ Reconociendo los primeros signos en los trastornos del espectro autista] (Agosto 20, 2014) Los primeros signos del autismo. [ Video file] Retreived from:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2q2PcGZj4k&nohtml5=False