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Using Getting Healthy Alongside Ashley as Inspiration (HCA’s Editor in Chief Gets in Shape)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Alabama chapter.

I’ve never been an athlete. I enjoy sports (what girl raised in the South doesn’t?) but I’ve never really played one. Along the same line, I’ve never worked out, like really worked out. In high school I was a ballerina, and I have done yoga for the better part of my adult life. But I never really considered those sports. I use yoga to center myself and to just be quiet for a half hour each day.

When I gave Ashley the go-ahead to start writing about her getting healthy plan, it got me thinking: am I as healthy as I could be? No. I’m on Pinterest, so I see all the skinny girl recipes, workout plans, and various motivation tactics. Why am I not using them?

I’ve always had an excuse in the past: I’m too busy, I want to spend my free time doing something else, blah blah blah. Well the reality is, I’m always going to be busy and I’m sick of not feeling as good as I could. Plus there was this one thing that happened….

My boyfriend broke up with me.

You could say it was amicable (which he does and I don’t). You could say I’m bitter (I was, let’s be real), but now I’m using it as motivation. I’m using it to remind MYSELF how awesome I am.

Like Ashley, I don’t have a goal weight in mind and I haven’t decided to follow a specific plan. I’ve just decided that I want to have a healthier lifestyle. I gave up sugar for Lent, which has been painful let me tell you, but I’ve seen myself making smart snack choices because of it. Now, when Sunday came and Lent drew to a close, you can bet your bottom dollar I was in a sugar coma all day long. But I do hope that going 40 days without it will help me continue to make smart choices, even when I could technically have that cookie. I want my clothes to fit better and my muscles a little tighter.

I’ve downloaded an App for iPhone called “Lose It
which is allowing me to track my calories for the day, both food and exercise, by entering in what food I eat and what exercise I do. I’ve pledged to myself that I will take my dogs walking each day outside for at least 30 minutes, because they need to exercise too! In a moment of sheer stupidity (no other way to put this for a girl that is decidedly NOT a runner) I signed up for a 5K in 2 weeks. With the goal of running a half marathon in 2013. So you’ll see me at the Rec pretty much every day on the treadmill. I’m the one sweating to death, watching Jeopardy.

Ashley inspired me to get healthier, has she done the same for you? Any runners out there have tips for me? Please read along with Ashley and me as we attempt to live healthier lives! As always we love to hear from y’all. Comment below, tweet or facebook us!

Image credit: Red Brick App Reviews, Home Button Icon for Lose It!

Jessica Johnson is a senior at The University of Alabama double majoring in English Studies and Communication Studies while minoring in Creative Writing. Avid reader, writer and one-man band, Jessica is always working on a project of some sort. After spending summer 2011 interning with Atlanta's Q100 morning radio show (and waking up at 3:30am to dress for work) she has a new respect for early birds. When not playing with her three rescued mutts, you'll find her at Gallettes sippin' on a Yellow Hammer screaming ROLL TIDE ROLL!!