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Her Campus Book Is Out NOW

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Alabama chapter.

The Her Campus Guide To College Life is out NOW! Make sure to get your copy at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or HerCampus.com/Book! 

The Her Campus Guide gives you all the information you need for college life. Whether you’re an incoming freshman or already in college, this is the book for you! The HC Book is the ultimate guide for everything college. We consider it a collegiette essential!

Alisha is a senior at The University of Alabama majoring in Communicative Disorders and minoring in Psychology. She is the current Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Alabama. Alisha loves binge watching TV shows on Netflix, baking, writing, watching/raving about Alabama Football, and spending time with her sorority sisters. She hopes to make a difference in the world or at least in many people's lives as a hopeful Speech-Language Pathologist. Follow Alisha on Twitter (@missalisha14) and Instagram (alishaa_j). Roll Tide!