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A Halloween Horror Story: My Halloween Experience During My Freshman Year of College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Agnes Scott chapter.

There are many mistakes to make during your freshman year of college, especially when it comes to parties. I definitely made my fair share of first-year mistakes last year.


Around Halloween of last year, my roommate and I heard about a party called *GHPY (Greatest Halloween Party of the Year). We had been to other college parties in the beginning of the semester, but we still hadn’t felt like we had the real “college party night” experience. Plus, this particular party seemed to have a lot of hype and excitement surrounding it, especially on social media. Even better, it was free (for girls until midnight). With all this in mind, we thought, why not give it a shot? So the night of the party, we got all dressed up and we were on our way.

I’m definitely someone who sometimes gets nervous going to unfamiliar places, but this time around, I felt a different kind of nervous. As our Uber driver was approaching the venue, there was a SUPER long line of people waiting to get inside the building. It was more than two hours after the party had started. I thought, “Maybe this party is living up to it’s name and people really are coming out.”


We wait in line for about five minutes. Mind you, it’s the end of October, at night time, so it’s pretty chilly outside. It is also drizzling rain outside. Some guy comes out from the entrance and yells something like, “Girls are no longer free. Everyone has to pay to get in.” Everyone around us uttered sounds of disapproval. My roommate and I look at each other and we are thinking the same thing: time to go. But our night didn’t end there.

Of course we didn’t want to waste all the time and effort we put into to our outfits and makeup, so we walk to the nearest gas station so that my roommate can charge her phone so she can call one of her other friends to see what was going on at a college campus near us, Georgia Tech. We find out about a fraternity party and now our spirits are lifted again: time to go have some fun!

Wrong, once again.

We call another Uber and request our destination to Georgia Tech’s campus. Again, I got that feeling in my stomach that I thought was nerves wrestling around. By this time in the year, my roommate became very familiar with getting to and from Tech’s campus since she had a lot of friends who went to school there. As we were driving to our destination, my roommate asked the driver, “Um, where are we going?” realizing that the way we were going was not towards Tech. He replied, “Atlantic Station, right?” My roommate says, “No, we’re supposed to be going to Georgia Tech…” Somehow between entering our destination and getting into the car, the destination changed. He offered to drive us to Tech, but at this point he would just be charging us extra money, which we were not okay with. So, he drops us off in the middle of Atlantic Station. Now, it’s even colder outside and it starts raining more heavily. We had to stand under a roof overhang and hug each other to keep warm.

Our night was ruined.

We could have taken another Uber to go to Tech, but we spent so much money and time at this point in the night that we didn’t even want to try. We ended calling a friend of Margaret’s who goes to Georgia Tech to come and take us back to Agnes. That was probably the best part of the night.

We were back in our dorm room by 1:30 a.m. What a crazy night we had!


*Name changed

MeaResea is an alumna of Agnes Scott College where she majored in Economics and minored in Spanish. She recharted the HCASC chapter in the fall semester of 2016. She served as the Editor-in-Chief and President of Her Campus at Agnes Scott. Her favorite quote and words that she lives by are, "She believed she could, so she did." -Unknown http://meareseahomer.agnesscott.org/