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Twitter Users Just Roasted Betsy DeVos for Her First Tweet on the Job

Despite plenty of opposition, Betsy DeVos has officially been confirmed as Secretary of Education – and a lot of people are not happy about it. So it was no surprise when DeVos asked a question on Twitter and users took the opportunity to tweet some savage responses.

On Wednesday, which was her first day on the job, DeVos tweeted, “Day 1 on the job is done, but we’re only getting started. Now where do I find the pencils? :)”

Considering that DeVos has been criticized for sounding tone-deaf about the needs of public schools during her confirmation hearing and the fact that many public school teachers are required to purchase school supplies like pencils with their own money, it didn’t go over well.

One user even brought grizzly bears into it, referencing the fact that DeVos said schools needed to be armed in order to protect students from grizzly bears.

Other users took the opportunity to remind DeVos of the massive donations she made to the GOP. (Which some argue she used in order to get the position.)

Finally, there was this zinger:

Caroline is the Evening/Weekend Editor and Style Editor at Her Campus, a senior public relations major at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a leather jacket enthusiast.  You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram @c_pirozzolo.