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Hillary Clinton’s Tweet About Trump’s Travel Ban Being Blocked Is Savage

On Thursday, the Federal Appeals Court refused to reinstate President Donald Trump’s travel ban to seven Muslim-majority countries, citing a lack of evidence that the countries were truly threatening, as well as potential evidence of discrimination in the ban. While the president might have expected this outcome, given that judges were already skeptical of Trump’s travel ban to begin with, he was furious—and quickly shot off a tweet about the situation.

Just hours after President Donald Trump’s routine Twitter tirade, Hillary Clinton took to the platform to express what many believed to be a mocking of Donald Trump’s defeat. She tweeted, “3-0,”which referred to the unanimous vote by the three-judge panel that blocked the travel ban.

All Clinton had to do was type three little characters to let us all know what she thinks of Trump’s presidency so far. While she isn’t our president, at least we can count on her to provide us with a little humor for the next four years.

Lauryn is a 2014 graduate of Mars Hill University where she majored in Business with a concentration in marketing and finance. While in college Lauryn was the Founder and Editor of Her Campus Mars Hill. She is currently a candidate for her Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She lives for a good plot twist, a great cup of coffee and new running shoes.