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Studying Abroad: Remember to Stay Alert at Sensation White This Weekend

Having lacked the life experience of our parents due to our young ages, we like to naively think we are invincible and possess an “oh that won’t happen to me” attitude towards life. However, sometimes whatever that may be, may end up happening to you. As a study abroad student my mom likes to send me countless news stories which are more like horror stories or my-worst-nightmare stories about rapes, identity theft, pickpocketing,  kidnappings, deaths. You name it and my mom has found it.  Most of the time I brush it off and remind my parents that I am smarter than most irresponsible twenty year olds and continue living my somewhat care free life. However, I can’t help wondering if Natalie Holloway, Amanda Knox, and most recently Austin Bice who was found yesterday morning in a river in Madrid, Spain, had similar outlooks in life as I do before they tragically died.

This Friday I will board an eight hour bus ride to Brussels to attend the much anticipated Sensation White techno concert/all night rave.  It’s a haven for American study abroad students and a dangerous place, if not conscious of your surroundings.  Of course after paying 55 euro to attend Sensation I am looking forward to letting loose and having fun, but I want to remind those of you who are attending Sensation that the world is not all good. At a venue where hundreds of thousands of people are attending and where beer and liquor will be flowing its important to be alert. Although we like to think all people are good, some, sadly, are not. Stay alert and be aware, watch out for your friends, and don’t drink to the extent that you lose all self control. Have fun but most importantly, be safe! I know I sound like a lecturing parent but I think we, myself included, forget that bad things happen to good people. I would hate to see your name on the next email my mom sends my way. 

I am a student at Binghamton University and currently studying abroad at King's College London. I am a history major and film studies minor with a love for fashion and everything celebrity and entertainment!