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Everyone’s guilty of a little TMI now and then, but there’s a big difference between a quirky confession and repeated, relentless, ridiculous oversharing. If you live your life like it’s an open book, then you’re probably guilty of these signs (or maybe you just want to leave this open on your laptop for your friend to see—hint, hint!).

1. Your roommates are as familiar with your menstrual cycle as you are.

2. Your Twitter feed knows just how much your new gluten-free lifestyle has improved your digestive system.

3. You try to bond with new friends by sharing your preferred method of pubic hair removal.

4. Your favorite part of Monday mornings is regaling your Starbucks barista with tales of your sloppy weekend.

5. You’ve sent group texts with the juicy details of your latest hook-up to 15 of your closest friends.

6. You start each day by posting a #selfie on Instagram.

7. When you have a giant pimple, you’re sure to Snapchat your friends a pic.

8. You keep track of how much weight you’ve lost since you’ve begun your diet by posting Facebook status updates.

9. You’ve emailed professors to let them know you’re too hungover to come to class.

10. When you’re in need of a tampon, you don’t mind making an announcement in class in order to ask who has an extra.

11. You’ve cried to a bartender about how much you miss your ex.

12. You check in on Foursquare any time you go to a new restaurant or bar.

13. You’ve told a guy about your weird toe fetish—on a first date.

14. You’ve asked the girl next to you in spin class if she can tell that you forgot to put on deodorant.

15. Everyone knows they’ll have a lot of untagging to do every time you upload a new album of party pics to Facebook.

Corinne Sullivan is an editorial intern at Her Campus. She is in her senior year at Boston College, majoring in English with a Creative Writing Concentration. On campus, she cheers at football and basketball games as part of the Boston College Pom Squad and performs as a member of the Dance Organization of Boston College. She also teaches spin classes at the campus gym and contributes to the BC branch of Her Campus. Corinne loves the beach, all things chocolate, and is unashamed of her love for Young Adult Fiction. You can follow her on Twitter at @cesullivan14.