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Lose the Freshman 15: Staying Healthy During Finals Week


Hey collegiettes! I hope you are all doing well. For me, it’s the last week of classes here at Michigan, and then finals start next Wednesday (eek!). Luckily for me, my last tests are next Tuesday right when classes end, so this week is pretty much my finals week. Amidst all the stress, all-nighters, final projects, and an attempt to not completely ignore your social life, I thought I’d share a few tips on how to stick to the Drop10 Diet while still maintaining your sanity. 

1: Fruit for breakfast. Not your entire breakfast, but I know if I’m heading to the library early in the morning, I definitely need a major dose of energizing, vitamin C to help me power through my assignments. If the dining hall doesn’t have a fresh selection of citrus fruits, I like to grab an apple, whole wheat bagel with peanut butter and banana, and a tab of Airborne for my water.

2: Take quick naps. Considering I have an insane amount of work to do, I originally thought I would have to forgo sleep for this week. Then I remembered how lack of sleep could prevent you from losing weight, so I’m making an effort to take 40 minute – 1 hour naps in between classes. It will enhance my productivity and I won’t be walking around like a zombie.

3: Go to the gym 2 hours before bed. I read that if you go to the gym at night, go at least 2 hours before you’re planning on going to bed, because your adrenaline will prevent you from falling asleep right away. Use this to your advantage and utilize those last 2 hours to study or do homework, and you’ll go to bed feeling much more productive.

4: “Close the kitchen” at 8pm. This is a tip straight off of one of the Drop10 Diet emails, but it is so extremely true. Eating late at night is one of the quickest ways to pack on the pounds. If you find yourself reaching for chips, pizza, chocolate, etc. you’re just filling up on empty calories, and the sugar-high won’t even keep you awake for long. If you want a boost of energy while staying up late, opt for a healthy drink like ZICO’s Latte flavored coconut water – the caffeine will give you energy, and it has enough potassium as a banana.

Those are my tips for staying healthy on this very busy week of mine. I hope everyone rocks their finals! Don’t forget to sign up for the Drop10 Diet, Dietbet, and follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest :) Until next time, bye guys!

With love,

Nicole E

student at the University of Michigan, native New Yorker and downtown nyc / pop culture enthusiast. One of the 7 Her Campus + SELF Magazine "Lose the Freshman 15" bloggers!