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Wellness > Health

Lose the Freshman 15: Meet Morgan, University of Georgia ’13

Hey there collegiettes! I’m Morgan Johnson, a senior at the University of Georgia studying magazine journalism and fashion merchandising. The past three years have been an amazing whirlwind of academia, parties and football games (GO DAWGS!), but – until now – it looked like I would be graduating with more than just big dreams.

Since starting college, I’ve gained nearly 50 pounds, a few clothing sizes and the depressing feeling that my body will never get back to the way it was. I started freshman year weighing an average 130 pounds, but dealing with a bad breakup and taking a few too many trips to the dining hall led me to pack on the “Freshman 15” in a matter of months. Since then, my love of fast food, a hectic college schedule and just about any other excuse in the book has allowed more weight to slowly creep on without me doing much to stop it. It’s hard to publicly admit that I now weigh 178 pounds, but they say the first step to healing is admitting you have a problem – and I know I’ve let my body get out of control! I’ve tried to lose weight in the past (and successfully dropped from 149 to 122 pounds my junior year of high school!) but have yet to be passionate enough about a program in college to stay committed… until now!

Enough’s enough, y’all. I want to check myself out in the mirror and know that I look as good on the outside as I feel about myself on the inside. This is about becoming the best version of myself I can possibly be. So for the next eight weeks, I’ll be teaming up with Her Campus and SELF to share with you my triumphs and struggles with losing the “Freshman 15” for good. Join me by following SELF’s Drop10 fitness and diet plan (Lose two pounds per week? Umm, yes please!) and commit to losing your own “Freshman 15” by signing up on DietBet! It won’t be easy, but it’ll be worth it. Let’s do this!

